With you in my life - Episode 9
"Son what's wrong"Drake's father asked
" don't touch me dad, you are cheating on mummy and come home like a saint fooling mum and driana, and now the only woman i ever loved i fooled her"drake said crying
"Am sorry son" drakes father pleaded
"Suite yourself" drake replied walking away
"Aunty why are you crying" matt asked
"Nothing matt something entered my eyes" sophia replied cleaning her eyes
"Okay aunt am going to bed now goodnight" matt answered giving her a peck
Next day
"Sophia remove your earphone, re...move yiur ear....phone" clara said demonstrating for her to understand
Thank you, she added blowing her a kiss
"Huh that's my song" sophia replied looking at the speaker which her song is being played with
Nice song brace face, jude said running away
"Hey, why are they playing my song" sophia asked running after jude
This way miss princess
" Sophia!this way"driana screamed
Sophia here!nelskn shouted
" Aunty v what are you doing here and why are there so much crowd"sophia asked
"Because of him" she replied pointing at a figure facing backward
Drake!she gasped
With you in my life
There is nothing i want more
With you in my life
By my side forever more
All the sorrows and pains of yesterday
Have faded away
Now tomorrow looks so bright
Baby with you in my life
Drake ended the song
"There your song is beautiful as beautiful as you are" drake said smiling
Sophia smiles
"Funally she smiles again thank you jesus" drake screamed
Sophia hit him
Ouch!he screamed
"This is serious okay, am very sorry i cant live without you, as your song says with you i found my home and i cant let anything happen to it, all i ask of is a second chance please" drake pleaded
Please!matt pleaded clapping his hands together
No more games?sophia asked
So what now?drake asked
"Well there am all yours" sophia said smiling
Yes!she said smiling hard this time
And he hugged her tightly
I love you sophia taylor, he said planting a kiss on her forehead
i love you more drake sison, she replied kissing him on his nose
And there was an magnetic pull causing their mouth to collide
Uhuhuhuh, sophia's dad cleared his throat
They all burst into laughter
Dont worry sir am going to wait for the right time and after everything am sure is gonna worth the wait, he said turning to sophia hugging her tightly
The end
Yeppie and this is it hope you enjoyed it
. .Read " A second chance " by the same author ( Quin Mirabel )
All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/with-you-in-my-life
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Other interesting stories by the same author ( Quin Mirabel) ↓
Married to a beast
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A second chance
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- Comments (4)
- Rating (5)
Thumbs up Mirabel
Nice story
First of, your writing sucks. Secondly, you basically plagiarized someone else's work. I had to "read" it to the end to be sure. I was trying to give you the benefit of doubt. There's already a Philippines movie version of this story and there is already the actual story itself. Is this what you people do on this site? Stealing people's work from other sites and posting it here? I would have said I am disappointed, but I don't know you. All I know is that you stole someone else's work and your writing still sucks.
Nice story