- Romance Story
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Rich play boy meets poor girl but it's not the usual Cinderella cliche story. This poor girl has baggage. She's a cancer survivor. Leukemia. But the only thing that survived her fight with cancer was her life. Her mentally unstable mother went into depression because of it and her father who couldn't take the strain of a sick daughter and a bipolar wife, walked out on his family. Her mother committed suicide several months after.
Our poor girl doesn't want love. She just wants to be left alone. She has not actually said a word to anyone in a year. Can our hero get her talking? Can he fight all her demons for her?
When his family doesn't accept her, would he be able to take a stand for her?
When the Leukemia relapses can this star-crossed lovers stand the test of love and fate?
Star-crossed - Episode 1
- So I know I said I quit n all buh since I have nothing to do this unending holiday at home. Plus I can't stop thinking about writing. I figured I should just write till s...
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Star-crossed - Episode 2
- Comfort: "Joyce is that you?! Are you back from your shift at the supermarket?!" I hear Mrs Gloria call from the kitchen as soon as Joyce and I pass through the...
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Star-crossed - Episode 3
- Comfort: "Please tell me I didn't kill you." He starts to rush towards me but I quickly pick myself off the floor from fear of having his hands on me. Embar...
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Star-crossed - Episode 4
- Raymond: As soon as I park the car at the end lonely bush path, Comfort points to the car door. I eye the place we're currently parked at and hesitate. She points at ...
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Star-crossed - Episode 5
- Raymond: "5!" "4!" "3!" "2!" "1!!!" "Happy New year!!!!!" It's like the...
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Star-crossed - Episode 6
- Comfort: I rub the sleep off my eyes and stretch out groggily as I look around the room for whoever is calling my name. There's no one in the room thoug...
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Star-crossed - Episode 7
- Comfort: "So, anything from the University of Lagos? Saw you checking again last night." Joyce asks as we walk down the road. I shake my head at her and she smi...
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Star-crossed - Episode 8
- Comfort: "Comfort are you okay?!" Raymond's voice sounds distant to my ears as I feel a ringing in my ears. My father's hands come to grab me but I stag...
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Star-crossed - Episode 9
- Comfort: "Mom?" My hand feels heavy as I move it on the bed. "You're awake. Oh! Comfort." The worried voice of Mrs Gloria filters into my b...
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Star-crossed - Episode 10
- Comfort: "Hey, there you are." I drop the novel on my lap and look up to Joyce. "I thought I'll find you here." She grins and I try...
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Star-crossed - Episode 11
- Comfort: "Who says I don't need it?" "Raymond how__ what are you doing here?" I chew on my lips to stop myself from showing how much seeing...
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Star-crossed - Episode 12
- Raymond: "Finally! Where's Paige anyways? I haven't seen her since I gained consciousness yesterday." I prop myself on the bed as Breanna walks into the...
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Star-crossed - Episode 13
- Raymond: "Need help with that?" "Megan!"I startle to a halt halfway out the door at the sudden appearance of Megan in front of my door. ...
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Star-crossed - Episode 14
- Raymond: "What's with the look?" I drop my phone on the plastic table in between Comfort and I to focus my eyes on her. She's just sitting there...
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Star-crossed - Episode 15
- Comfort: "Look at you humming like a new bride. I should start calling you ìyawo sef." Joyce comes into the room as I brush the kink off the bran...
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Star-crossed - Episode 16
- Raymond: "You're a mess, man. What are you even doing back before your parents?" I eye the bottle of liquor in his firm grasp and shake my head....
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Star-crossed - Episode 17
- Comfort: My eyes take in the beautiful setting inside the cozy room which Raymond directed me to wait for him. There are balloons of pretty colours scattered ...
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Star-crossed - Episode 18
- Comfort: "Wakey wakey." The soft whisper in my ear has me groaning quietly and rolling over to lay on my stomach as my eyes blink open. Pearly whites gr...
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Star-crossed - Episode 19
- Comfort: "Ginger biscuits, Ginger tea, gingerbread. Aren't you going a bit overboard with the ginger?" I ask Joyce while shuffling through her backp...
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Very interesting story
Nice one author.
Cool, I love this story
Where is my favorite author
Pls am waiting for next chapter ooooo????????