With you in my life - Episode 8

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   Let's party


"Drake and sophia are taking much time than expected the party has started already" driana said exhausted for waiting

 "Calm down anna am sure they will soon be here" jude replied confidently

 "Oh here they come" nelson said smiling

 "I told you" jude replied proudly


  Drake step down from the car ans wakked fo the other side.

"Where is sophia" driana asked no one in particular

  Drake opened the door and sophia came out 

 "Wow sophia you look beautiful" driana said hugging her


  "Isn't that sophia and drake, they look good together" laura said smiling

 "Huh, i need to get a drink" cassidy replied walking away angrily

  Few minutes later 

 The stage was cleared, everyone was exhausted after dancing

"Sophia may i have this dance" drake said stretching his hand 

 Awwwn, driana muttered

"Yes" sophia replied smiling 


 He took her to the dance floor and he held jer on her waist and she held him on his neck

  What?drake asked noticing her mood

"Everybody is looking at us" sophia replied looking around shyly

 "You know what dint mind them, do you know why they are looking at us?" Drake asked. 

"No" she replied.

 "Because am dancing with the most beautiful girl tonight" drake said smiling likdwise sophia


 Silence still dancing

"Sophia i want to tell you something, i have fallen in love with you sophia" drake said

 And she withdraw her hand from him

"Is okay am not rushing you, i will wait okay" drake added.

 Drake, sophia called

 Come in people lets party, the DJ shouted

 Yeahhhh!they all screamed

 "Drake i know..." Sophia said

"I cant hear you, do you want to talk outside" drake asked.

 "No, drake i love you, i lo...ve you" sophia said screaming untop of her voice

 "Karen cut it cut it i cant hear" drake demonstrated to the dj

 I love you!sophia screamed immediately tge music was cut



 He hugged her tightly and the congregation celebrate them by clapping their hands and shaking hands with drake


  "Well well, lets give them a round of applause and now my friend is the end of the story now baby get rid of her and come to me" cassidy said smiling

 "Is it true " sophia asked

"Sophia drake already cut off the bet" jude said trying to dedend him

 "Drake eyes on me, is it true" sophia asked tears already giving way

 "Yes but..." Drake replied.

"Thank you for telling me the truth"sophia answered walking away

 " sophia wait.."drake said running after her

"Sophia please wait" drake continued grabbing her hand

"Do you think i get weak by one silly bet have been thriugh worse and you know tgat" sophia said crying

"I know sophia am sorry i thought you will hate me if i had told you" drake replied trying to swallow his tears

  "I trusted you drake, i thought you were different you just reminded me the reason why i dont trust people" sophia answered

"Sophia please...." Drake replied leaving his tears to fall down like rain

 "You have no idea how badly i wanted to love you back, i know you are a good man and i really appreciate everything you've done for me and my family thank you" she added cleaning her tears

 "Sophia am sorry i know i ......"

" You know what here is your song(with an inscription of it with you in my life) i owe you nothing thanks again drake"sophia said walking away

 Sophia please wait, drake replied crying

. .

Read " Married to a beast " by the same author ( Quin Mirabel )


All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/with-you-in-my-life

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