Mirage - Episode 27

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"Peanuts!" I fly out of bed and my ever aching head protests.
"What the hell Noah. You scared me." Ivy who's standing by the bed says, frowning at me.
"Am sorry. It's been a week but I still keep dreaming about that man who transforms into a woman and then offers me peanuts" I scrub my eyes of sleep.
"You know how ridiculous that sounds right?" Ivy tells me. She doesn't understand. The feeling of fear and helplessness is totally paralyzing.
"I am going dress shopping today. Get your ass off the bed and get ready for your appointment with the doctor. Its about time" she says then walk over to me. She goes to peck my lips but I turn my face at the last minutes. Her lips land on my cheeks. I don't know why but this just feels off. Something's wrong. I need to see the doctor who treated me. It's been a week since I came back and Ivy has moved in with me. She says its to take care of me and even if I am grateful, I feel suffocated. She has been going around making arrangements for a wedding I am not feeling at all. God help me. She saved my life so I better get my feelings together and not break her heart.
"Are you sure you don't want to come with me to choose a dress?"ivy ask as she gets to the door. I shake my head and she pout.
"Come on baby"
"I already made appointments with the doctor ivy

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/mirage

. I am sure you will make a great choice"
"Fine. I am going with you to the doctor's appointment. I'll be in the living room. We would go dress shopping right after." she state then slam the door behind her as she leaves with a little too much force. I groan as the bang resonate in my head. I have hurt her yet again. I make a mental note to apologize when we come back. I drag my body out of bed and into the shower while wondering what my obsession with peanuts is all about.

  We are on the high way going back to my condo. There's a big smile on my face right now. The doctor said my head injury was because of the impact a sea rock must have made with my head. According to him, I wasn't rescued on time which caused the injury to get complicated. My memory loss was temporary and would come back soon. The one thing that has me grinning is his  advice to take things easy for a while.
"Go somewhere nice and quiet and rest your brain. Your brain just needs that" he had said and I haven't stopped smiling since then. I have a feeling the stress of this wedding is also getting to me and this is my get away plan. Ivy wasn't so pleased about the idea and she is still sulking while she drives.
"What's that silly smile on your face for?" Ivy snap at me from the driver's seat.
"Nothing. I just feel relieved that my memories aren't gone forever. You see, I have this feeling that I am missing something important" I explain to her and she snort.
"You don't need to follow the doctor's orders Noah. Nothing crucial happened that you are forgetting. Our wedding is in two months for crying out loud"
"I will just take a break for a few Weeks. You can come with me if you like" I add just to make her feel better. I know she can't leave her job like that.
"But my job... Well I know what to do. You will go ahead before me and then I will meet you there after I wrap things up at the office and take a Christmas break." she says and I sigh.
"We would have fun. Just the two of us. Rekindle our connection" she sounds excited but I don't know why I feel wary.
"How long will it take for you to round things up at the office?" I ask
"Just a week maximum. So where do you plan to have this vacation of yours"
"The beach house. Its just perfect. It contains my past and its quiet and peaceful. It should help my brain recover"
"Yay. I love the beach. You know what else I love? You babe" Ivy presses a quick kiss to my lips and this time I don't move away. She doesn't deserve the cold shoulder I have been giving her. I don't fail to notice the lack of spark in our kiss. Something's definitely wrong with me.
"Thanks ivy. I promise to give you all of me once I get my memories back." I tell her but she frowns at the road instead.
"Baby. I already told you. You don't need your memories.  Its just a week. Can't you let it go?" She ask without looking at me and I notice the stiffness of her posture as she says this. Every time I bring up my memories, she is always against it trying to convince me to give up my search for my memory. Just yesterday I suggested going to Lagos. Maybe lodge in the same hotel she said we stayed while taking down chief just to jog up my memory but she flat out refused saying my brain should not be forced or it could cause complications. I believed her then but now I think something else is up with her. Is there something she doesn't want me to remember? I look at her side profile and watch her neutral face which betrays no emotions. But Ivy has been known to pretend when need be. Its what we are trained to do. I make up my mind to try this vacation and if I don't get my memories back, I go to Lagos.
I am leaving before the end of tomorrow. No time to waste


Its been a week. A week of running all over abraka looking for a job. Studied psychology in Canada and came out with a great result but that doesn't seem to matter in this town. I couldn't even land a secretary's job. Its just like the world has ganged up against me to make my life a living hell. I can feel the burning of hot tears behind my eyelids but I shut them tightly. I won't cry. I need to be strong. I drop my phone on the small glass table in the sitting room then take off my cute red button down shirt off together with my trousers. I am now only sporting my bra and pantie.

  I pass the bathroom, giving it a longing glance. Tomorrow I tell myself. Call me dirty but I am too tired for a bath right now. I need my bed. Its already 10:00pm and my eyes are already drooping. I am sleeping hungry today. I have to preserve the remaining two hundred naira on me. Its my last dime.

Read " Redemption " by the same author ( Ameh juliet )

. I have to find a job tomorrow. Any job would do for now. I drag my tired body to the only room in the house and the sight of the big ass bed is like a fountain in a desert. Totally needed.

  I slide into bed and pull the duvet over my body. The room feels chilly. I never sleep with air conditioner. How come it's on? My sleepy mind just files that info for later. I burrow into the silk sheets and close my eyes in bliss.
"Peanuts" I hear a voice whisper close to me and I freeze. Am i hearing things now, or am i already dreaming? I ignore the voice that sounds so much like Noah's and move closer to the part of the bed that feels warmer. I touch solid flesh and my eyes fly open but I can't see anything in the dark room. A burglar? I remain still for God knows why until a large hand fall on my stomach and I scream and my heads off.

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  • lydy mbuh picture
    lydy mbuh
    waiting for the next, Julie thanks our reunion at bay
  • Ameh juliet picture
    Ameh juliet
    lol thanks for reading lydy u are a darling
  • Destiny Benson picture
    Destiny Benson
    Interesting next episode please
  • Ameh juliet picture
    Ameh juliet
    thanks Destiny
  • Ameh juliet picture
    Ameh juliet
    thanks Destiny
  • eliza picture
    oh my world! since Minerva is a psychologist I pray she helps Noah regain his memory. oh well,beach house, here I come!
  • Ojulari Adebowale picture
    Ojulari Adebowale
    Following you like bread and butter
  • Ameh juliet picture
    Ameh juliet
    Lol Eliza No space for you in the beach house Its only one bedroom o
  • Ameh juliet picture
    Ameh juliet
    Lol@ ojulare Thanks
  • eliza picture
    no problem Juliet. I'm taking the couch na
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    This reunion will be waoh, I prah Noah recover his memory before Ivy comes. Beach house vacation! Thanks Juliet
  • Rita picture
    Wow! Could dat be Noah? can't wait for d next episode,keep it up baby girl
  • Ameh juliet picture
    Ameh juliet
    Lol Eliza but i m already camped on that same couch. Go find somewhere else.
  • Ameh juliet picture
    Ameh juliet
    Thanks for reading adeoti
  • Ameh juliet picture
    Ameh juliet
    Thanks rita honey
  • eliza picture
    you just broke my heart Juliet. I'm going back home.. **insert sad faces** hehe..
  • Ameh juliet picture
    Ameh juliet
    Lol Ok come back Eliza. We can share. I would need a couch buddy sef. U are hired!
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    That's more like it
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Lol, yieee memory here we regain haha, great story sis
  • Olasumbo Ayodeji picture
    Olasumbo Ayodeji
    Same beach house?
  • Ameh juliet picture
    Ameh juliet
    lol @ Pamela
  • Ameh juliet picture
    Ameh juliet
    lol thank you Benedicta
  • Ameh juliet picture
    Ameh juliet
    let's watch n see ayodeji
  • Tadenikawo picture
    Am loving this
  • Ameh juliet picture
    Ameh juliet
    Thanks tadenikawo
  • eliza picture
    and oh lest I forget Juliet, please when ivy is on her way to the beach house ,let her car get spoilt and make her get lost in the bushes for one month.
  • Ameh juliet picture
    Ameh juliet
    lol I like your thinking Eliza
  • Julian Kits picture
    Julian Kits
    WooOow there is no better reunion than Dis... Please let ivy get caught up w work so she can't make t to the beach house, otherwise good work hun you are such an amazing soul
  • Ameh juliet picture
    Ameh juliet
    awwn Julian u deserve award for all these ur compliments. thanks
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