To Live For Once (Set Me Free II) - Episode 44
A big smile play on my lips as I roll out of bed to the cup of ginger tea and some cookies.
"Good morning, babes." I look up to find Rory smiling down at me. He looks bright eyed for this early in the morning.
"Morning Rory. Slept well?" I ask. He nods then place a quick peck on my forehead and as usual my heart beat accelerate. This has been his routine for the last four days ever since I got those flowers. We'd changed motels and this time, we share a room. He's never let me out of his sight even for a minute. It's obvious he's trying to keep me safe like he promised. I try to push the feeling of fear out of my mind.
"You should drink that." He points to the cup of tea. I nod and do as I'm told. It's an acquired taste. I drink slowly while nibbling on the cookies. Rory pace around the getting my clothes ready. I notice the unfamiliar clothing.
"I don't remember having that top and jean." I point out. Rory's head come up from the bath supplies he was getting ready.
"Had it made for the both of us. Here I have mine." He pulls up a T-shirt in a darker shade and proudly shows me the back. It reads: Mommy's man
All episodes of this story can be found here >>
. I wrinkle my brows at him. He grins and pulls mine up. It's sky blue in colour.
"Learnt your favorite color is blue so, ta-da!" This one read; Daddy's girl. I have to bite my lips to stop myself from laughing out loud at how ridiculous but adorable this is.
"Why the couple tshirts?" I remember having that on my list. I think he's so sweet.
"Because I want to buy something nice for my wife." He takes the few steps to sit beside me on the bed. He places another peck on my lips, his fingers caressing my cheeks.
"Yum." He hums. I blush.
"You seem excited this morning." I say when he finally lets go of me. I'm almost sure the couple tshirts aren't the only thing up his sleeves.
"That obvious huh?" He asks and I nod.
"Yup. So what's up with you?" I drop the empty cup on the small table.
"We are going on a date!" He all but squeals.
"Shhh." His finger on my lips shut me up before I can even start to tell him how absurd his plans for today is.
"I know you probably think it's dangerous to go out but how long are we going to remain indoors? I see how bored with being indoors you already are. You also need to exercise your legs now that you're out of cast. Plus, want some couple time with my wife." He pouts like a child.
"Watson could be out there looking for us."
"We left town, remember? And even if he followed us, I already confirmed that he left town yesterday. Moreover the police are looking for him. It's perfectly safe. Come on babes, just one day. I wanna finish up our list. Please?" His fingers dig into my ribs on the last word and I let out a yelp. I jump away from him.
"I'll tickle you till you wet your panties if you resist this one thing I want to do for you." He threatens, wriggling his fingers and winking. I can't help but smile.
"Fine." I say and he hugs me.
"You won't regret this, babes. It's going to be so much fun. Come on. Go wash up! I'll get everything set."
"Your ride, ma'am." I bow with a little flare as I gesture to the tandem bicycle I had ordered for us. I smile at the look of disbelief on Amaya's face.
"And this is?"
"A couple's bicycle. I ordered the side by side bicycle so you can pedal with your good leg. Thoughtful right?" My smile broadens when I notice her look impressed.
"It's cute." She says after a few seconds.
"I know right?" I concur while staring at her with love goggles on. She definitely looks stunning in sky blue and wearing the couple's tee. I can't this is me right now. Who would have thought!
"I also got a smaller one for our kids. I mean when we have more." I add.
"Well---" she draws the word like she doesn't know what to say. I goad her on to climb on the bicycle. She does so without resistance. That's two things off our list. I hop on and take my place beside her.
"Comfy?" I ask.
"Yup. I'm actually excited for this. Thank you Rory. I needed this." She says, sincerely.
"Tha--" I stop short when she reaches up to peck my cheek.
"Where to now?" She says without looking at me. I can see the faint blush staining her neck though. She looks amazing! I let my eyes trace the delicate line of her neck. Just elegant! God, I'm whipped!
"Rory?" I snap out of reverie.
"Huh?" I scratch my head guiltily. It's obvious I've been caught staring.
"I said where to." She chuckles a little.
"Oh yeah! This town has a small theatre down the street. So, To the movies!." I declare.
"Let's get down here." We stop a block before the theatre and Rory gets off the bicycle. He carefully helps me down with a little bow. I giggle at the moment. The ride here has been nothing short of heart stealing. People stared but Rory kept finding ways to touch me all the way here. He'd crack a joke and watch me laugh until I catch him staring then he'll act like he wasn't. My heart hasn't even slowed down in pace.
"That was awesome." I say truthfully.
"Glad you liked it." He says as he pulls out my rumpled list and ticks a few things out. I watch him with a smile.
"Quite diligent huh?" I tease and he feign seriousness.
"Like my life depends on it. Actually my life depends on making you happy." I swoon. Am I really the woman getting all these love and attention from a man? It feels like a dream.
"Come on. We still have to walk hand in hand into the theatre. That's the reason for our stopping here. It's on the list. And I'm going to enjoy every second of it." He says when my brows goes up questioningly. I don't resist. I let his palm slip into mine and that's when I feel something a little cold against my palm. Rory lets go and I bring my hand up to find a neck chain in it. Rory goes down on one knee in front of me and I gasp.
"What are you doing?" I have to ask.
"You never got a proposal from me." He says.
"Rory if this is about the list. You don't have to."
"Damn the list, Amaya! This is about me wanting to give my wife everything she deserves. It's about my doing everything with us all over again and the right way." A tear trek down my cheekbone.
"Will you marry me? Again." He adds the last part with a slow but unsure grin. I realize he's nervous. He thinks I might reject him. Not in a lifetime. I make sure to look him straight in the eyes then nod slowly then vigorous. Rory's off his knees in a split second and pulling me off the ground into his arms. I let him hug me really tight.
"You make me a happy man, babes." I detect tears in his voice. I clench my eyes shut praying that this never ends.
"I love you." I whisper as he lets me down slowly. He takes the jewelry from me and fasten it around my neck.
"I love you more." He set his lips on me and we kiss like it's the first time. It's heart stopping.
"It's beautiful." I say, caressing the jewelry as we pull apart.
"I had it made specially for you. You see this infinity sign crisscrossing in the middle of the heart? It means eternal love. That means you are never leaving me." He explains the intricate design of the necklace.
"I don't ever want to leave." I tell him. He nods satisfactorily.
"Let's go watch that movie." He says.
It takes little more than five minutes to get there. My feet start to hurt a little from the walking.
"You okay?" Rory's soft voice inquires once we're inside.
"I'm fine. My ankle just hurts a little. It's no big deal."
"No. You know what? I'll get our tickets. You just sit here and wait for me okay? Two minutes tops." He takes me to a chair in the large room but looks relunctant to leave me.
"I'll be fine. Go." He places a quick peck on my lips before walking off. I watch his confident steps and how heads turn as he passes people till he gets to the ticket booth. I swell with pride. He's my man I want to yell but I know it's pretty obvious from our matching T-shirt. I fiddle with the neck chain while Rory gets to the sparse line waiting to get a ticket. It's to be expected seeing as it's Christmas season. I smile at him with a wave when he mouths if I'm okay. He worries too much. My phone starts ringing in my jean pocket and I hesitate about checking it. I'm almost certain it's my father. He's been calling and sending numerous texts asking me to come back home.
Read " Stolen innocence " by the same author ( Ameh juliet )
. The call rings on till it ends. Rory's almost at the front of the line now. My phone starts ringing again. I relunctantly pull it out just to be sure it ain't my dad. I quickly connect it when I see Prudy's name flashing on the screen.
"Hey, what's up." I say but I get no answer.
"Hello?" The line is silent and I have to pull it away from my ear to check if the call ended. It's still on.
"Prudy? Is it the network?" I ask no one in particular. The network out here always flunctates so it's probably that. The call cuts off only for her to call again.
"Hello can you hear me now?" I ask when I connect the call. It's silent for a split second but then I hear breathing on the other end.
"Can you walk out of where you are? It's noisy and I can't hear you clearly." I finally hear her. I look up at Rory who's already being attended to. Deciding not to disturb him, I get off the chair and quickly go outside.
"Hello? Can you hear me now?" I ask once I'm outside.
"I'm sorry." She sobs into the line before I'm suddenly grabbed from the side and before I can let out a scream, something's covering my mouth and slowly, I lose consciousness.
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That must be the hand work of waston nice story dear keep it up
Kai, even people everywhere. Love always wins.
Look at the way I was reading and smiling to myself as if am reading a love letter before this nonsense Watson came and spoil things. Love will surely prevail
What is Watson's problem...Amaya is already taken. He should get that into his dump skull
Mehn saying I hate Jessica is an understatement...i hope Amaya get's outta this one safe and sound
I sensed this the moment I read about that call, they used Prudy to get to her. I hope Rory saves her. Thumbs up Julie
I just knew it,Watson was gonna target Prudy, I just wish Rory notices amaya 's disappearance soon,
Jessica should respect her self
Jessica should respect her self
Why are you so dumb amaya
Thanks Destiny
Yh Emash. Love always done
Love always does rather
Thanks Benedicta
Yo De I don't really see how Amaya's dumb In this scenario Sha.