My only addiction - Episode 16
Arya's POV
I didn't attempt to wipe my tears away....All the driver could do is look at me with pitiful eyes as he handed me the packet of tissues...He was old enough to be my father and that made me feel sorry for myself....He made me miss my dad.
I know he would have hugged me, the moment he saw tears in my eyes and tell me whatever I am going through shall pass...I was his little princess....
"Did a rich arrogant boy hurt you???"He finally asked...
"How did you know???" I took a piece of tissue from the packet and wiped my tears away...
"You are crying...You came from a building where only rich kids can afford to live in...."
"I don't wanna talk about it...It makes me mad..."
"Rich kids are very arrogant but never let them step on your self respect...I have a daughter your age, she had a rich man impregnate her and later dumped her like a piece of garbage....They think they can always use middle class girls and get away with it...Unfortunately they do, if only our girls didn't love money and luxury so much..." He shook his head...
I felt a little guilty....I could see her daughter in me apart from the fact I wasn't pregnant...
"We tend to learn the hard way..." I leaned back on the seat and got lost in my thoughts....No matter how deep I was hurt, I still thought about him....
I smiled by the mere thought of remembering how his lips felt on mine...I know it's crazy but even thou I was mad he was a very hard man to hate....
"We are here my girl...." The driver dragged me from my crazy thoughts...
"How much is it???"
"Just pay me two thousand, I won't charge you double...You have been through a lot..." He beamed...
I took the money from my purse and gave him...
I didn't even realise that I had only that two thousand in my purse, what if he had charged me more???? Amy look what you made me go through....
I had already unbuckled my seatbelt ready to get out of the car when he started talking again...
"Young girl, always remember where you come from...Rich boy poor girl love story only exists in movies and the novels we read...The harsh reality is, they always want to use simple middle class girls since they are easy to trap...Just think about it..."
The brutal honesty pierced through my skin into my deepest veins that I felt pain...Although he was a driver he had a lot of wisdom...
I nodded wordlessly and got out of the car...
When I got to my house, I found two padlocks on the door...Shit!!!!The landlord was serious about locking us out..
It seems today I woke up being on the wrong side of mother nature....I could feel tears prick my eyes but I pinched my arm so hard...You can do this Arya, no more crying....
"Where are you Jackie??? I found our house locked..." I asked her the moment she answered the call...
"I am at your brother's place, he allowed me to spent the night here...Where are you???"
"I am coming...."
The moment Nick opened the door, I began crying again....I hugged him so tight and sobbed unceasingly on his chest...
He has been my father figure since dad died and he always how to make me feel better...
"I am sorry about that jerk, Andrew already taught him a lesson...." He rubbed my back soothingly..
"I hope Andrew is okay...."
"Yeah, when it comes to his little sister he can conquer the world..."
"I am happy that I have you guys..."
"Always and forever little lioness," He pulled me back,"No more crying because of that jerkass..Wipe your precious tears away..." He wiped my tears with his thumbs and pressed a soft kiss on my forehead...
I wish he knew his little sister met another jerkass after that jerkass dumped her that left her more broken and shattered....
"You are my weakness Arya, always remember that...If anything happens to you, I would die..."
"What can happen to me when you got me..."
"Enough with the family reunion..Can I already get a hug???" Jackie butted in...She was wearing Nick's favourite t-shirt and his sweatpants which looked good on her...
"Did I distract something???" I raised my eyebrows a fraction more...
"Why???"They both looked at each other confused...
"Why is she wearing your clothes???" I wiggled my eyebrows at Nick and he looked away shyly...
"You girls can stay here as long as you want...You can take my bed I will sleep on the couch..."
"Let's go to the room boo, we have a lot of catching up to do...." Jackie held my hand excitedly and dragged me into Nick's room...
"Give me the whole story since the time you left the shop..." She wore a smile from ear to ear...
"I had random s*x with this guy I thought I knew and I feel so stupid and used..."I struggled to speak against the crying...
"My little girl is so grown, she now can have random sex...What happened to that long speech of yours about s*x being sacred???" She teased me...
"At that moment, I didn't remember my long speech. I thought it was right until I found out he lied about everything....He changed from being this nice, kind man to something else in hours..."
"He just wanted that thing there below and when he got it he didn't have to put on that stupid perfect guy mask anymore..."
"I thought he was different...." I wiped my tears from my eyes and sighed...
"He will have a different face and a broken nose when your brothers are done with him
All episodes of this story can be found here >>
. Nick should know about it.." She stood up ready to go and tell Nick when I grabbed her hand," Please don't tell him, he will get stressed...It's more than enough to live in his house..."
"You have a point girlfriend...So can you tell me everything from A to Z with this Amy guy???? There must be something special about him, if you kissed him just like that..."
I told her everything about Amy and I could feel my heart beating faster by just thinking of him ..He wasn't an easy man to hate...
"Do you like him???" She interrupted my narration...
"Of course not..." I faked a chuckle..
"Since you began talking about him, I have heard only good things...How handsome he is, how sweet and charming he is, how you two had fun, his house but not a moment did you speak of how he hurt you or used you..."
"It's because I don't want to remember about all that..." I crossed my fingers that she would believe that .
"No, it's because you want to convince yourself he never changed...That he is still the sweet charming Amy you first met..."
But she was right....I just wanted to remember the good times as I hope that the rest would be blown away from my memory by the wind..It was hard to accept the cold Amy who snapped at me, who talked about paparazzis and s*x tapes...
"So how are you feeling wearing my brother's clothes???"
"I see what you did there, you diverted the story...Anyway since you insist, I want to wear them forever...I want to smell all his clothes in this room and feel him...If it were up to me, you would be the one the couch and me here wrapped in his arms..Too bad he wouldn't want his small sister uncomfortable on the couch..."
"You should tell him how you feel maybe he likes you too..."
"I don't want to be a rebound, we both know Leah was his life and he can't just forget her like that...But I will always wait for him even if it's forever..." I could see a glow on her face just talking about him...But who wouldn't love my brother, he is the kindest soul I have ever met...
If he weren't my brother, I would also be in love with him too....
"Everything will fall in place soon Jackie baby.."
"Enough with this emotional trauma, let me give you some bad news...Ivy Alvaro is cheating on my poor baby boy hunk Ethan with her ex boyfriend...She is so cheap...."
"You and this Ethan Marcias..You are so obsessed with him...." I rolled my eyes at her...
The fact that Amy also idolises Ethan makes me hate this Ethan man more....
"He is a god...Rich, handsome, charming and a talented footballer...Trust me you can drop your pants by the sight of him ..I can bet on my life he is hotter than Amy..."
"I doubt that Jackie...."
"Do I show you his photo??? Everytime I try to show you his photo, you are disinterested..."
"You are the one who told me that there have been claims from different girls that he dumped them after sleeping with them. Who would love such a person????"
"Nothing was proven from those claims..."
"But where there is smoke there is fire...I get it why Amy idolises him so much, it's because they are the same...Handsome with rotten characters... Plus trust me he can't look at girls like us twice."
"It's just a photo, no need to be dramatic....Just one photo I promise....
"Please." I looked at her with her puppy eyes, something I have never learnt to say no to. Emotional blackmail
"Arrrrggh, fine....I am sure I wouldn't find him all that."
She began going through their gallery looking for Ethan's photos....
"Here it is...."
A/N What do you think her reaction will be when she learns that Amy is Ethan Marcias the celebrity she detest the most???
Read, comment, share and vote...I will highly appreciate ...
Read " Attitude meets Arrogance " by the same author ( Fideh Mwangi )
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Oh oh Jackie is unwarily opening the flood gates,poor Arya she's about to get the shock of her life!
Fire on the mountain....thanks for the update Fideh
@Pamela hahahahaha
She surely will faint if she discover Ethan Marcia's and Amy are same person.
@Zainab i tell you
Oooh no , ??? trouble
@Esther I tell you
I think that kasala go burst even it bring in hatred between two of them.