Palm lines 2 - Episode 29

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Erika's POV
I called for a meeting with the girls and we met at Kechi's spa then I told them about David's cheating escapade and as expected they were pretty mad, not at David but rather at Tasha. 
Kechi was angrier.
"Where's the address, let's go and teach that b*tch some lesson!" She snapped and I rolled my eyes. 
"I'm not going to rub my name into the mud by fighting in public. Of course I'm angry but I'm not going fight in public . Besides, I'm not willing to go to prison for murder cause one punch from me will quench that girl's fire" I cleaned my tears and Dorcas patted me on the back. 
"We're not going to fight in public"Vera paused,  "We'll just go and warn her. That b*tch is obviously trying to steal your marriage, I mean haba! Why will David rent her a house? Is he now running an orphanage home?"
"Mr Philanthropist" Kechi added and Dorcas rolled her eyes.
"Uncle David must have had his reason, I'm not trying to support him, what he did was wrong but still I think maybe if Erika listens to him the more"
"Well he said the b*tch threatened him and he had no option but to do what she wanted because he didn't want me to know" I continued crying.
"I'm trying to be strong but I swear it's really breaking my heart"
"It's totally understandable. Whose heart will not break?" Dorcas asked, "Abi" Kechi and Vera answered.
"If we can get an address, we can teach this girl a lesson she won't forget in a hurry" Kechi continued and I rolled my eyes.
"As much as I want to kick her ass, I don't want to stoop low

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. I don't want blood on my hands oh"
"I agree with you Erika, and i think you still have to forgive Uncle David. He's your husband and you're not going to give room for quarrels, fine I get that it's totally normal for couples to fight. I fight with my husband every now and then but I try my best not to push him away. Tasha is just the woman you know, there are one hundred and one women out there who are ready to show love to your husband just when you push them away. Let's all learn our lessons here as women. Let's stop repeating the same mistake every damn time. We know these signs, when we see them, let's try to correct them. We have to be wise" She advised and I gave it a thought. 
"She's not wrong though" Kechi agreed, Vera agreed too then I thought of what Mrs Reiner said the day she looked into my palm.
Maybe this was the wisdom I was supposed to apply, the downfall of my marriage depended on how well I handle the situation. Maybe I had to stop being angry for a second and be a bit flexible about situation.

Tammy got back home in the evening. David brought her home, he spent some time with the kids then he left. I didn't leave the room for a minute. 
Tammy walked in later while I was about to lay in bed. She had this guilty look on her face, "What?" I asked and she shrugged.
"When i didn't have anywhere to stay, you took me in and I know I have a way of messing things up for families even my own mom rejected me. I just want you to know that I'm sorry and if you don't want me again... I'll leave"
"Why would I want you to do that?"
"Cause I'm screw up"
"You're a screw up alright and I'm trying to make you a better person" 
"And I become one with you. I know that I will cause I'm changing already and I'll really like to explore this new side. I'm sorry for hiding this, Uncle David feels bad too"
"Let's dwell on your apology first. Have you had dinner?" I asked and she shook her head.
"I made rice, you should eat before sleeping"

Sharon left the house on Thursday morning to look for Felix. I noticed she didn't come back and I grew worried. I tried calling her but her number wasn't going through so I waited patiently for her to come; I had a really bad feeling.
I ran to the door when I heard the doorbell ring, I rushed only to find David by the door. "Good evening dear" he greeted and I hissed. Forget about wisdom! I still had my 'shakara' in tact.
It wasn't who I was expecting.
"Looks to me you were disappointed, who were you expecting?"
"My new boyfriend"
"I hope he's as handsome as I am" he laughed and I restrained myself from laughing.
"Hey" he cleared his throat, "I know you're still angry with me and you're probably not going to laugh at my silly jokes and all. I just want you to know that I'm really sorry" 
"I was waiting for Sharon, I haven't seen her since she left"
"Maybe she's with Ade, I heard they kissed; maybe they're...." He raised his brow up and down continuously, "Maybe they' know." and I laughed.
"What are you doing?" I asked and he smiled.
"Did you just laughed"
"Because you looked stupid" 
"So you'll laugh if only I look stupid"
"Should I stick my hands in my nose, anything to look stupid"
"Can you just let me enjoy my singlehood?"
 "I'm sorry" 
"She went out in search of Ade, I don't think she went to Ade's place" "I thought they broke up, Felix and Sharon" 
"I don't understand anything anymore and I don't know why her number isn't going through. I'm really worried David, I have a bad feeling" I confessed and he hugged me. 
"I don't think the scene deserved a hug" I commented and he laughed. "Can you just let me just hug you for a bit. I miss this"
I do have to admit it, I've missed his warmth too.
I pulled away looking up at him,  "I'm still mad at you" I added,  "And you have every right to be angry. I just came to put Sera to bed, I really do miss it"
"They've gone to bed and I didn't need to put them to sleep" i answered and he laughed. "Always the disciplinarian" he commented and I smiled.
"Do you like Tasha, even the slightest bit?" I asked and he shook his head. 
"I don't and I know that I'm sorry will not cut but I'm really, really sorry and I was wondering if I could spend the night?" He requested and I agreed.
We slept in separate rooms, before I went to bed, the thought about David crossed my mind what he said earlier on made me laugh and I realized how much I missed him and how much I wanted to lean against his chest and just discuss silly and important things with him."
Hearing him say be didn't like Tasha made me happier, it kind of lessened the initial anger I felt. 

I go out of the room the following morning and I heard children chattering from where I stood.  I could hear Sera talking loud and Sam and Joshua laughing out loud.
I rushed into the sitting room and I found David turning pap into Sera's plate. There was akara and bread on the table too.
The pap looked too thick and it had thick moulds in it.
"What's the noise about?" I asked and they all turned towards me. 
"Mommy good morning!!!" They yelled and I smiled. 
I haven't seen them this happy since David left. 
"Morning darling!" I smiled. 
"What's funny?"
"Dad made Pap and it looks bad" she laughed and David tickled her.
"You just wasted my Pap" I folded my hands and he laughed. "I was about bringing breakfast in bed, but since you're awake" he pushed out my chair and I sat down.
He poured the Pap into the plate and instantly lost appetite to eat.
"It's just one bad Akamu (pap)"
"Didn't you stir it well?" I asked and he smiled.
"Well, honey these things happen in life" he answered and I chuckled. "I hope you like the Akara, the woman at the gate didn't come" 
"Daddy are you through with the business trip?" Sam interrupted and he shrugged looking at me steadily and I cleared my throat. 
"Yes he is" I answered pouring a lot of milk in the pap then I took a slice of bread then I glanced at him. 
"Thank you" he mouthed and Sera smiled. 
"Has Sharon called?" I asked and he shook his head.
"Not yet"
He answered and I dropped the bread on a plate, then I rose up.
"Where are you going to?"
"To search for Sharon"
"She might be with ...." He gave me a look and I shook my head. I have a really bad feeling  David, I need to see her for myself before I can be at rest"
"You can stay home with the kids. I'll check Ade's house, please send me a text of Felix's hotel and room number" I pleaded walking in to take my bathe.
I knocked on Ade's house and no one answered. 
"Ade!" I called out and his neighbor Mrs. Hansel walked up to me. "Good morning Ma" she greeted me and I responded back. 
"I couldn't help but hear you knocking on the door"
"Yeah. I'm looking for my daughter but apparently she's supposed to be with Ade"
"Ade hasn't been home since yesterday, he obviously didn't sleep home. You should check the restaurant cause there are times he sleeps over there" she answered and I had to force a smile, in between my worry.
"Thank you Ma"

I went over to the restaurant and I found out he didn't shown up the previous day.
 "He didn't show up and you guys didn't bother looking for him"
"Well Ma lately he's been on and off, so I just assumed it was one of those moments" Erether answered and I rolled my eyes. 
"Now I'm officially worried. Did he say anything about going somewhere?" "No."
"How about Sharon my daughter? Have you seen her?"
"No Ma'am, I'm sorry"
"Okay.... Okay" I walked away then I called Tuni. 
"Good afternoon Ma" she greeted, it didn't sound like her usual happy voice but I wasn't In the mood to ask her about her life problems. 
"Have you heard from Sharon and Ade?" I asked, "No. I haven't Ma"
"Sharon didn't sleep home last night. I thought she was with you or Ade, Ade is not as the restaurant neither is he at his house. Do you have any idea where they might be?" I continued and I
She shook her head.
"No ma. Have you called them?" She asked and i rolled my eyes.
 "What kind of question is that?" I snapped, "Ade's workers have not seen him since yesterday. Apparently he didn't show up for work and he hasn't been picking up his calls which is worrisome. I'm scared, what might have happened?" I asked and she kept quiet for about two seconds or three.
"Maybe they reconciled and they're probably hitting it off somewhere" she guessed and I shrugged.
"It better be" I answered then I hung up. 
"Where can this guys be?" I complained, even though they were hitting it off, all I wanted was for them to turn on their damn phones. 
In order to satisfy my curiosity, I drove over to the hotel. 
 "I'd like to meet Felix, room 33" I said to the receptionist and I noticed her hesitated. 
"Okay... This is weird, twice in a week. That's really strange"
"What's strange?"
"Okay. I already complained to the manager and he thinks that I shouldn't discuss the issue with any other person"
"What issue?"
"People might start to talk or the press might begin to poke their noses and we don't want to lose customers"
"What's going on?"
"A couple came by yesterday in search of this Felix" 
"Ade and Sharon?"
"I didn't ask for names"
"Really handsome guy and a beautiful lady with kinky kind of afro hair"
"That's my daughter, what do you tell them?"
"The man that booked room 33 hasn't returned since he went out three days ago and these couples obviously went in search for him"
"Jesus! Did they say anything? Maybe a clue as to where they were going to?"
"No ma'am" she answered and I   brushed my fingers through my hair then I walked out of the hotel.
Just then David called me up on phone.
"Where are you?" 
"I'm at the hotel, in front of the hotel sha. Well at the parking lot but what does it matter? Ade and Sharon went after Felix but the question here is where in the world can Felix be?" 
 "I'm not supposed to tell you this but I don't want to getting angry with me again. Ayo just called me" he answered and I sighed. 
"Thank God!"
"Tasha has him and Sharon locked up at her house" "That b*tch! Can't they do something or beat the hell out of her white ass?"
"He had them tied up and it's even a miracle he even reached me" 
"Jesus! I knew something was wrong, I felt it deep inside"
"What are we supposed to do now?"
"Call the cops on her but he asked that we do it without her notice, that is no sirens"
"How are we going to convince Nigerian policemen to go without blaring sirens?" I asked , "I already called my contacts and they're on the move.

Read " Dysfunctional " by the same author ( Essien Eno )

. Where are you?"
"Just send me the damn address, I'll meet you there" 

Ade's POV

I couldn't sleep almost all through the night. The pain I was feeling were just too much for me to handle. When Sharon asked about how I was faring, all I could do was lie. I didn't want her to get worried.
I had a lot of thoughts stream through my mind. I remembered the previous day when Sharon wanted using the toilet and she permitted her and she finally took out her gun from the bag.
That moment I thought, what if  I could had access to my phone and send a message to Mr Savage to get us help but I would need to be untied first.
How in the world will that be made possible? 
I didn't even know what the time was but I guessed it would have be about six o'clock.
 "Sharon!" I whispered about five times before she woke up. "You're so comfortable, it's like you're sleeping on a bed" I added and she chuckled. 
"You have something on your face" I teased and she scoffed.
"I don't drool" 
"I didn't say it was drool" I answered and she chuckled.
"Good morning" she greeted.
"I wish I can say the same. I've dreamt of the day I'll wake up to see your pretty face every moment, I didn't imagine I'll be in bondage"
"I'm sorry" she apologized.
"We need to find a way out" I whispered.
"How? We're tied up?"
"I know but we can get freed of the we want to pee, I don't know but if there was a way she can free up at the same time"
"She won't be so stupid"
"Unless we use the same thing that got us into this mess, reverse psychology. Just like Aunty Kechi would ask, there's something different about you today only for you to spill. We just have to find a way to make her fault or lose guard"
"And what can that be?If something goes wrong. She might kill you"
"We'll end up dead anyways Sharon. It's a do or die affair, are you in or out?"
"I'm in"

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