Mirage - Episode 1

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Noah Everywhere is eerily quiet but I know its not going to be for long. My eyes are currently scanning the room for any signs of funny business. I press the distress button on my locket to alert my team that I would be needing help. Chief okonkwo couldn't have sent just three men to get the goods. A lot of his money is riding on this. This is probably a set up. Oh! You are probably thinking 'what's this nutjob talking about?'. Well let me make things clear. Am an NDLEA officer and this is a drug bust. Oh and that's a secret to these guys standing in front of me with approximately 3 hidden weapons each. If you ask me, I'll say they are so overactive. Am just one guy. Just one bullet would do but they had to bring three each. Now am mad and that's not good. I was just going to apprehend them and get evidence against their boss chief okonkwo but now I think these guys need serious ass whooping. "You have the merchandize?"the tallest of them ask in a very deep voice. That's probably his bad guy voice. I just grin cockily. "Do that again"I say and his thick brows furrow in confusion "What?"he asks then look at his two partners who just shrug. "I mean that mean guy voice you just pulled. I have been trying to get mine right to no avail"I say "Listen clown, my partner here just asked you a question so you better answer before things get ugly"one of them spit out and I turn to him

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/mirage

. "Well I thought it already turned ugly when you walked into the room OBJ"one of them laughs but Mr OBJ doesn't find my joke funny as he pulls a gun out of his trousers. I can't delay them any more. I think I just made this guy mad. "Am gonna put three bullets in you and then find out how funny you are dead."he sneers. The first guy who looks like their leader grab his hand and lower the gun. "Where the fuck is the damn goods we came here for. Look here's the fifty million chief offered to pay for it"the first guy says and the last guy drop a brief case on the wooden table between us. He slide it towards me and I open the case. Neatly arranged inside are dollar notes. I grab a key from my pocket and raise it up. "This is the key to that truck full of cocaine. Now i'll hand it over if you drop all your weapons on this nice little table and walk twenty steps back. Just for security reasons."I say then smile. The leader look at both partners and nod. They start coming off their weapons then move twenty steps back except the ugly OBJ. My locket start beeping silently alerting me that my team are on the scene now "Done. Now hand it over"Mr OBJ says and I grin "But you are still hiding a gun in your leg holster"I say making a wild guess. The guns on the table are just eight. Someone wants to pull a fast one over my eyes. "Fuck you! This guy is just one, let's just shoot a hole in his brain and take the keys off his dead body"he says and his partners nod. "Well, I tried to play nice"I say at the same time I push the table with my leg and grab the brief case. The table connect with the leg of the only guy holding a gun and the impact makes the gun slip off his hand. He bends to pick it up but am faster. I jam my knee against his forehead and he staggers back momentarily blind. His partners start to come closer and I use him as a shield. Holding him in front of me then slip my gun out of my belt holster and point it at both of them. "Wait for your turn guys."I say then use the butt of my gun to hit the back of my hostage's head. He slums to the ground unconscious. The other two guys are already close to me. I see one throw a punch towards my face and I duck then land three consecutive blows to his stomach. He cries out in pain and I smile satisfactorily as I see his partner run out of the room. Chief okonkwo must have sent idiots while the main goons keep watch outside. My team will take care of them. They are most likely outside doing just that. I snap my attention back to the scene as i see one of them standing up. He rushes towards me and tries to throw another punch but I move back just in time and give him a flying kick which takes him to the ground. I go down with him and straddle his waist. "You. Should. Have. Brought. One. Gun. Then. I.wouldn't.be.this.mad"I say between blows. A blow to the back of my neck stun me and I turn but not quick enough as am held from behind. "You piece of shit! Who are you? As soon as I saw you I knew there was something wrong because you aren't who he usually sends to pick the money. Who sent you?"he asks still pinning my hands behind me. I throw my head back with force and it connects with his mouth. Nice. His hold loosens and I twist out of his hold. I turn back quickly and get in a nice uppercut to his chin before I clamp his hand behind him and handcuff him. "You are under arrest for trafficking of illegal drugs and anything you say would be used against you in court so be advised"I say at the same time the door burst open and officers fill the room. I see my boss, ivy in front and she's holding the goon who ran away. He's in handcuffs. "You must be getting old. One got away"she says and I smile "I just wanted to leave a little fun for you"I tease. "Dont forget the real drug goons tied up in the back. I had to take them out so I could take their place" i continue and she smile. She may be my boss now but we always banter. We have always been close from childhood and the reason why am not her boss right now is because I want to be in the fields not behind a desk. I have to get the man who ruined my life also and I am so close to that now. "Great job Noah. Dinner after I finish up the paperwork?"ivy ask and I shake my head. "I have something planned. Tomorrow maybe"I say and she nod. My phone starts ringing and I move outside to answer it. "Boss. I think my cover has been blown. I am on my way out of town now." Victor's voice say from the other side of the line. I can't believe this.

Read " Make You Mine(Redemption 2) " by the same author ( Ameh juliet )

. I have been trying to get into chief badmus' house for years now and now that I finally got victor in to get inside information so I could apprehend the bastard that ruined my life, he's leaving town? "Did you at least get any info in the one week you were there concerning his drug empire?"I ask frustrated "No boss. Everyone was so occupied with preparations for his daughter's return from Canada so i--" "Wait! He has a daughter and she's coming back to the country?"I ask cutting him short. "You know what victor, send me the details of her flight then get somewhere safe and lay low for a while"I say then end the call. I dial ivy's number and she answers at the first ring. "I know you couldn't resist dinner plans with me" "I need my vacation days now. Can I get at least a month off work ivy?"we say at the same time. "What's up Noah? You never go on holidays"she says "Just want to clear my head. This last case was so tiring. So can I?" "Sure. You haven't been on leave since you started four years ago...." "Thank you ivy"I say and cut the call. I guess I need to impress a rich snub to get my revenge.

No problem Hey guys Who missed Juliet? I know I missed you guys so much So what do you think I need comments Thanks.

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