Binded by friendship - Episode 12

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Tamara's POV
I covered my face with a pillow irritated with my phone buzzing nonstop on the nightstand.

But the person on the other side of the line didn't seem ready to give up. 

I can't believe I let Vivian talk me into drinking so much....

Muttering curses under my breath in anger, I threw the pillow aside and turned to reach for my phone....

"What????"I groaned.

"Have you talked to Eve????" Amyra asked.

"Is she okay????" I shoot up in bed and regretted the moment nausea rolled in my guts....

"Apparently her and Mason were seen getting cossy in a bar yesterday and it's all over the Internet...."

This can't be good.

"Have you talked to her??!!"

"No!!!! Her phone is off and Nick isn't picking my calls," Amyra stuttered.
"I hope nothing bad will happen to her. Because Mason is a very bad trigger..."

"Don't worry, let me call mom Rebecca and I will call you back...." I assured.

I staggered out of bed, feeling like someone had been hammering my head all night.

I am never drinking again....

"Who are you fooling!!!!!" My subconscious laughed out loud.
"Shut up jerk ass!!!!"

I dragged my feet to the bathroom, rinsed my face and brushed my teeth.

Damn!!I didn't even remove my makeup.. . Vivian's bad habits are rubbing on me....

I picked my phone from the bed and checked at the time...
What the hell!!!!Its two o'clock in the evening and I missed my meeting.

Vivian is so dead!!!!

"There is something I was to do????"I asked myself, thinking hard that it hurt.

"Ooooh yeah!!!!Call mom Rebecca...I just hope Eve is okay...." 

I dialed her number and crossed my fingers as I waited for her to answer the call...
"Hello dear,how are you???" She asked sweetly. 

"I am good mom

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. I wanted to know if Eve is okay???I have tried to reach her but in vain..."

She sighed deeply before replying,"Her and Nicholas had a fight. She is in her room resting...."

"I will be there soon...."
"Take care dear....." She disconnected the call.

After reading the numerous articles about Mason and Eve so called affair, my insides churned with disgust.

Eve wasn't like that. She must have been angry and hurt from the idea that Nick was having an affair.

I could have continued to read but it was just too painful for the eyes and heart.

These stupid bloggers would just do anything for cheap publicity.

"She has a scam for a husband who launders money and cheats on her. Can you Atleast have sympathy????" I yelled at my phone as if they could hear...

After texting Amyra that Eve was okay, I placed my phone on the kitchen counter and reached for a bottle of red wine in the refrigerator...

Eve was like the sister I never had and the thought of her been hurt or in pain doesn't settle well with me...

I took a long drink from the bottle and leaned on the counter for a moment with my eyes closed.

"I can't do this to her!!!!" I whispered, swallowing down hard the now developed lump of tears in my throat.

"I will talk to George again and if he doesn't let me pass on this one, I will quit...." I took another long gulp as sadness travelled to every part of my body.

The nerve of that Nicholas....

I began walking to my room to go freshen up when I heard the doorbell!!!

I hope that's not Mary always borrowing one thing after the other. What does she do with her salary???Save it on the moon....

"Mary......" I swallowed the rest of my words when I saw who stood Infront of me.


"Don't say anything....."He threw his arms around me and hugged me....
"I am sorry I didn't inform you I was coming...."

I nodded wordlessly choked with the unshed tears... it felt good to be wrapped in the blanket of care....

"How are you????It must be hard for you investigating your Friend's husband while she is going through a rough time right now????"

I breathed heavily and pulled back from his embrace.

"I am sorry I didn't make it to the meeting...." I said in a hoarse voice,tears burning my eyes like crazy.

Don't be vulnerable before him!!!You never get vulnerable before men Tamara...

"Don't worry, I told George you had notified me that you were sick....." He shrugged and walked past me slumping into the leather sofa...

"You have a beautiful apartment. It seems George pays you well...."

"You can say that....."

"Is it not to early to be drunk????" His face was masked with worry...

I hadn't realized I was holding the bottle of wine.
"It's already dark in some parts of the world...." I took another large gulp angrily...

"Okay....Why don't you sit down and we can talk all about it...." He flashes me a smile that seems so genuine and sweet that I couldn't say no...

I didn't wasn't up for this temptation at all. How can a man be so good looking???

He was just the dark kind of desert I would want to have right now and then. Tall, muscular but not in the exaggerated way, a slightly dark skin tone that made him took rugged and if that's not all.
He had a well trimmed beard and his hair was short just the way I like it.

In another life, I would have believed the crap all girls say. He was made just for me...

"So what's bothering you that for the past two days you are always drinking???" He asked in a concerned tone.

I had a rule that no man would ever see my vulnerability but with Garry it's like I had swallowed a truth pill.

"I don't want to go on with this madness. Eve is like a sister to me and going on with this feels like I am betraying her. I thought I could but I can't....." I sighed feeling like a huge burden had been lifted off my chest.

"Have you tried talking to her????"

"And say what exactly. Hey Eve, I suspect your husband is involved with money laundering and I will expose him on Tv...." I raged almost taking another gulp only to have the bottle grabbed from me.

" You are an amazing investigative reporter. This is mostly a male dominating career but you just seem to go with the flow. Before you make any irrational decision, you should think hard about this. Will Eve be mad to the fact that you quit your job because you were too afraid to expose a fraud or that you would have  helped her realized re kind of man he married to?????"

"In any way it would break her heart..."

"Then don't tell her for now until you have facts in your hands. Maybe then she would be grateful you saved her from spending the rest of her life with a fraud...."

Eve wasn't like other girls. Such information would be a trigger for her and I wasn't sure she would recover from it.

Is this really worth it?? To Put Eve's life at stake just because of a career advancement????

"You know if something happened to me right now????It s not the job that will hold my hand but Eve...I don't want her hating me...." 

"For a moment let's forget about The Kames and do something fun...Why don't I cook for you???You look pale and sickly...."

"You can cook????" I was utterly surprised.

"Being the firstborn in a family of three, it was my responsibility to cook before my    twin sisters even knew how to talk."

"Now shall you lead me to your kitchen????"He stood and held out his hand.
"But I think I only have minced meat and chicken in my refrigerator. I am not a fan of the kitchen..." I admitted, taking his hand.

"That will work...."
His smile was a ray of sunshine and I was the sunburn...

When we walked into the kitchen, there were a lot of dirty dishes in this sink. 
What the hell!!!!This is so embarrassing....

"Well!!!"He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, I bet shocked of how a lady can have so many dirty dishes in the sink.  I bet they are from last week. I only walk into the kitchen to warm leftovers that had ordered, make coffee or take a bottle of wine from the fridge.

"We can order in...." I suggested .

"It's okay....I can wash them while you tell me more about yourself. I don't mind...." 

"That's would be so embarrassing....." 

"I hate dirty dishes in the sink so for my peace of mind I will clean them...." He smiled at me and I looked down at my hands embarrassed.

"You don't have to feel bad,"He gently placed his hands on my shoulders,"career women are hardly domesticated...."

"What's that suppose to mean??" I lifted my face and looked at the pretty dark eyes...

"You can't expect them to work their ass out and still be able to put the house in order. They are human and they are prone to get tired...." 

Wow!!!!My heart swelled at his words..


I sat on the counter watching him clean the dishes as he filled me in what they had discussed in the meeting.

After that I helped him cut the vegetables as he had settled with us having some rice, vegetable and fried chicken...

"Why don't we play a game????" He suggested.

"As long as it's not truth and dare, I am good...."

"No, it's called knowing each other...."

"Okay, what is it about????" I asked, handing him the chopped onions...

"We both ask each other three personal questions...."

"Okay....." I faked a smile knowing a question wouldn't miss about my mother.

"Go first...." He insisted.

"Tell me about your family?????" I sat back on the counter and watched him do his thing.

"My father James Mori is a pastor and my mother Grace Mori is a teacher. I am the first born and I have two small sister who recently joined campus. Elizabeth studying Bachelor in business administration and Hannah studying Bachelor in Mass communication and journalism...."

He is so lucky. He seemed to have had a perfect childhood.

"And you, tell me about your family????"
I knew it.....indirectly or directly it involved my mother....

"I was brought up with a single mother, Linda Kipari and I am the only child...." I replied faintly...

"I would like to meet her and thank her for giving birth to such an amazing woman...."

"Maybe you kill yourself...."

"What does that mean????" His eyes were filled with horror.

"She couldn't understand the fact why he chose his wife over her like what did she expect. She was the mistress and no way he could have left his family for us and so one day while drunk she just lost control drove into the river...."

I had realized the tears had trickled down my cheeks until Garry wiped them away.

"I am sorry, to open old wounds...."

He was the first guy, I ever opened up a lot about me to and it frightened me.

I was losing control with him and that wasn't a good sign.

"Rebecca Raine has been like a mother to me...She has been there for me like a mother would and that's why I feel like a traitor doing this behind their backs..." I added, looking down at my hands.

"Why don't you talk to her about all this???I am sure she will give you the best advice...."

Why hadn't I thought of that????I would do that when I go to see Eve later...

"Thank you....."
"Anytime....."He pressed a kiss on my cheek and went back to cooking....

I was so giddy in excitement like a teenager in love...
"It's just a kiss Tamara...Get over it...."My subconscious rolled her eyes.

After the food was ready, we sat beside each other in my small dining table enjoying the delicacy.
This man can cook!! No joke!!!

If I stay with him one week, I will be as thick as Amyra...

Once in a while, I could get him watching me eat and I would blush...

"If you keep on looking at me like that,I will choke on my food...." I joked.

"I am glad I have that effect on you..." He wiggled his eyebrows mischievously....

"As far as I can remember I have to questions to go...Why are you not married yet????" 

The question just slipped my mouth and caught Garry by surprise...
"Marriage is a lifetime commitment.....I hadn't found the one until recently...."

The idea of him seeing another girl ached my heart....

"Do I know her?????"

"She is right beside me....." He slowly locked my hand with his...

Sweet Lord, calm my violently beating heart. Before it bursts out of my chest...

"Aww!!!!" I pulled my hand away like it was on Fire not sure what to say...

"You are an amazing woman. A woman worth to chase and waiting for....."

A spoon slipped from my hand,falling into the tiled floor.

"Are you okay????"

"I will be right back...."

I hurried to the bathroom and looked myself at the mirror.

I literally had to pinch my cheeks to bring colour back on them.

"Tamara, you made a promise to never feel weak and vulnerable Infront of a man. You can't walk in your mother's footstep...." I reminded myself...

I didn't like how weak I felt when he touched me or how I have been look at his lips wanting to kiss them.

Or how seductive he looked while cooking. I don't like the thoughts of wanting to strip him every time we are alone...

A hundred of emotions flooded in me about Garry and every single one of them made me forget how to breath.

"Don't fall for him Tamara,don't even like him. Focus on your career and living life to the fullest. Love is just a sick hallucination..Don't be like your mother." I yelled at my reflection.

"You are not like your mother Tamara, you are a unique being formed in the likeness of God. Don't hold yourself back just because your mom made some terrible decisions...."

He walked to where I was and turned me to face him,"I don't care about your past, I want to share my present and future with you. Who wouldn't want a girl  a smart ass beautiful woman as 
you as his wife....." He cupped my face wiping away the tears from my eyes...

"I don't think I will ever be able to have the strength to forget everything and believe in fairy tales...A loving family of my own..."

I want commitment,loyalty and love so bad but fear the vulnerability it brings...

"It's possible all you have do is to tell yourself is that I am not my mother. That I am smart and know better than to be a mistress...."

"I don't know if I can do it...I rather bet alone than risk getting hurt. I rather leave any man who is serious about me than have them leave me.

Read " Pierced Rose " by the same author ( Fideh Mwangi )

. Because been my mother's daughter I might end up a drug addict and a drunkard like her...."

I can't believe I admitted my worst fears to him. I have opened up so much to him in hours than I did with my therapist in months.

"I promise you this that no matter how many times you push me away I will keep coming back... I will keep chasing you until you can't stand it anymore. I will wait for you as long as it takes because you are worth it. He who finds a good woman,finds a good thing and I am not willing to let you go....."

He never took his eyes off me as he said those words. I felt like we were standing in the aisle and he was saying his vows which even thou I didn't want to believe I did.

"I can't cook, I hate it. The dishes can stay in the sink the whole week cause I literally don't care. I forget to make my bed sometimes like why make it and you will lie on it later...." 

"I hope you shower though,"He chuckled.
"If not,will you always shower with me?????"

Tamara what the hell???? 
"Ooops,"I bit my lip shyly...

"I would really love that...."

To ease the awkwardness, I moved closer to him and kissed him.
An urge I have had for a long time.

Since I have blurted out, I have always wished to shower with him. Then  I can also kiss him and get over the thirst I have for him.

I wanted to kiss him forever,get stuck in that moment forever.

Slowly he moved away and I was confused.
Was I a bad kisser????

"Is anything wrong????"
"I am afraid I won't be able to stop and maybe that's not what you want....." I  am glad he bled sincerity.

"I have dreamed and fantasized about this moment for a long time. I want you to make love to me and after that we can have that shower...What do you think????"

"I love your brutal honesty....."

He crashed his lips with mine,kissing me hungrily and passionately that my thoughts are filled with nothing and no one but him....

Who thinks Tamara's character is her in real life????In the making of the bed, I think me and her can be best friends. Why make it and you will sleep on it later???






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