Palm lines - Episode 24

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Erika's POV
"Good morning Sir" I greeted principal Gbade for the second time that morning, "Good morning Mrs. Savage"
"Oh save those venomous greetings to yourself bitch!" She snapped at me then stood up and I blinked my eyes in shock. 
What in the world was going on? I thought to myself, suddenly I saw her look at my belly. "You're also pregnant for him?" She charged towards me and the principal held her back. 
"Leave me alone Sir, I'm going to kill someone's daughter and hell, I'll kill that God forsaken baby in your damn womb" 
"Can you get a grip of your self Mam, you're being irrational" I answered back and she tightened her fist. 
"I'll show you irrational" she charged forward and the principal held her back again . "Mrs Savage oh!" The principal yelled and she sighed pointing towards me, "Have that damn woman  fired" she threatened and my heart raced fast in fear.
"Mam calm down"
 "Calm down? My husband is cheating on me with this woman who's a teacher in your school and you're telling me to calm down"
 "You have the wrong idea, I'm not cheating with your husband" 
"I just showed your principal the video of you kissing my husband on the beach"
"It's true oh Miss Erika" the principal testified and I shut my eyes slightly embarrassed.
"it's not what it looks like"
"What does it look like then ehn?" She asked, "What?"
 "Fired her Sir!" She demanded. 
"It can't happen oh" Principal Gbade answered and Cynthia scoffed.
 "Have I been speaking?" She asked and Principal Gbade gazed at the wall. "Forget it oh"
 "Let's see how your wife would react to knowing if the existence of Shade" she threatened.
 "You guys should kukuma just kill me already" Principal Gbade complained, "I don't even know what brought me to that stupid estate that you guys are just threatening me, left and right"
"Fire her"
"You're not the only one  threatening me oh" He answered, "Madam, it's complicated, if everyone is telling me do this or they'll tell my wife, do this or I'll tell your wife

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. Which one will I now do?" He paused,  "I'll advise you guys to settle this amicably, Madam this is not something to shout about and let the whole world know, Miss Erika what you did was bad"
"Oh please shut up!" Cynthia snapped. "You're all the same! Lying, cheating bastards!" She yelled taking her bag then she walked up to me.
"If you don't leave my husband alone, I promise you I'll make your life a living hell on Earth" she threatened leaving the office.


 David's POV

I returned back home on Saturday, Cynthia flung her hands over my shoulder. "Hey baby" she called my name and I faked a smile.
 "What's up?" She asked, "I'm just a bit tired" "Sit let me give you a quick massage" she gently pulled the T. Shirt I wore. 
I knew she wanted sex.
"Not now" I complained, "What?" 
"Cynthia I'm really tired"
"How that one con take concern me?" She busted in pidgin and I sighed tiredly.
"If you had come to the beach, you wouldn't have had the strength either" I replied and she scoffed.
 "What strength are you talking about? Were you running a marathon race?" She asked and I chuckled. 
"Your work is even a lot more stressful and your don't complain. It's this small beach that's making you complain." "I just need to rest" I answered and she scoffed again.
 "Baby you can't rest"
"Don't even make me angry David, do you have any idea what I was doing while you were on that beach having fun?" She asked and I shook my head.
"Mom and I were stuck somewhere looking for ways I can make babies, do you think I've been playing these days? David I want babies, i want people to call me Mama born boy. I'm tired of this"
 This woke up my curiosity, "Where did guys go to?" I asked and she sniggered, "There's no point knowing   All you just have to do is be obedient and just have sex with me, you can't refuse me. Please" she begged and I rolled my eyes. 
We did it anyways. 

On Sunday, we had a meeting with a mega pastor of one of these new time churches who wanted a land purchase.
"Are you serious?" Lawrence asked concerning Cynthia and I nodded while driving the car 
"Yes, she literally forced me to bed because of a drink she was given to get pregnant." i answered and Lawrence laughed.
"She gets even more crazier everyday. Back to your kiss with Erika" he added, "You shouldn't have kissed her" "Should i remind you that i wasn't the one who pulled the kiss move"
"Mehn you guys need to sort out both your feelings and you need to stop seeing her everytime" "I can't" i answered, "Why?"
"Because, because I don't think I can stand not seeing her or being charged part to her especially with her babies on the way"
"What's up with your new found tie to the pregnancy?"
"Her twins are mine" i confessed and Lawrence's eyes widened in shock.
"You obviously forgot to tell me that part of your life where you slept with Erika" he teased and I kept a straight face.
"Jesus David, you're serious" he paused in thought.
"Ugo's wedding, thsy was why you slept at the office" he guessed and i nodded.
" I found her about to be taken advantage of by a guy so i stepped in"
"To take advantage of her" he completed and i scoffed.
"No! I saved her took her to a hotel"
"Then you took advantage of her"
"Now you're starting to get on my last nerve" i snapped.
"Sorry brother, but that's how everyone will see it, she'll be pretty mad"
"She kissed me and i kissed her back, i stopped but... You have to believe me, i didn't take advantage of her. It didn't even seem like it, the s*x was ....." I smiled, "It was beautiful" i paused in tears.
"I wish things happened the other way round, but it didn't"
"This just got more messy. What are you going to do now?" he asked and i laughed cleaning my tears quickly with my left fingers while my right hands turned the steering.
"Am at the crossroads, i don't know what to do"
"Are you sure it's yours?"
"You've met Erika, do you think the pregnancy isn't mine?" i asked and i pulled over in front of a big catedral.  "All the coincidence and everything that has been happening.... Mehn. This Kain matter sef" he paused, "What about Feso?" he asked.
 "He left her, she's planning on raising the twins alone"
"Are you going to tell her?" Lawrence asked and i shrugged, "Don't have the balls yet"

I got back home by some minutes before six. I entered into the room to find Cynthia drinking, "You're drinking" "Do you have any problem wit that?" she asked and i shook my head.
"That might be bad for the baby we made last night" i joked and she scoffed.
"Are you mocking me?" she asked, "No." i answered. It wasn't so hard to decipher that she was in a bad mood.
"Did your period come again?" i asked since she always tend to be in bad moods during her period especially when she badly wants to miss it.
 "I'm ovulating moron!"
"Then why are you in a bad mood?"
I asked and she handed her phone to me. There was a video, so i played it. It was a video of Erika and i kissing.
"Do you like what you see?" she asked. "Where did you get this?"
"That's none of your damn business David, how long have you been cheating on me?" she asked.
"How many times David?" 
"It should have been a one time thing, i didn't mean for it to happen" I paused, 
 "I swear to you"
Cynthia walked towards me placing both her palm against cheeks.
"i believe you, my love, i totally do"
The thick smell of alcohol hit me on the face, "All these desperate ladies trying to steal our men"
"It's not her fault" i snapped.
"David dear" she paused, "You're going to stop seeing that woman whether you like it or not"
"Is that an order?"
"Take it however way you want it"
"As from today you'll stop seeing her!" 
"You're joking!" "I Swear to God if you don't, i'll make her life miserable" she threatened and i scoffed.
"I'm sorry Ma but i can't do that" I answered and she scratched her hair.
"It's as if you want to see me angry David" "i see you angry everytime" I answered playfully. Most of the time, she's always angry, I was already used to it.
"Do you think i'm joking?" she snapped, "And do you see me laughing?" I asked.
"Please let me sleep, I'm really tired."
"In which room?" she asked and i opened the door to leave.
"If you don't leave, you'll be sorry for her"
"Is that a threat?" i asked and she smirked.
"We shall see"
Immediately i got out of the room, i saw Sharon come out of her room.  "Do you need a sleeping partner?" i asked and she nodded.
She told me about her friend Tuni had taken a video of our kiss and how a neighbour had gotten it from her. 
It finally made sense how she got the video, "I'm scared of her threats"
"They're just empty threats; nothing more" i assured and she smile.
"I'll be spending almost the whole week in Atlanta" i annouced, "First i'll be going to the village"
Sharon's mood changed, "I Wish i can post pone, but i can't. It's really important"
"When are you leaving?" she asked, "Tuesday," i answered.

Lawrence walked into my office laughing and i wondered what he found amusing.
"Guess who the cat dragged in?" he asked and Thelma walked in dragging a luggage in with her baby strapped in front of her.
"Tada!" she screamed and i laughed. "What are you doing here?" i asked and she smiled. 
"It's my bestie's wedding week and i'm here to help her out."
"With your baby?" Lawrence laughed,
"When has that ever stopped me?" Thelma asked and I laughed. Nothing ever stops her from achieving her goals though.
"Well I'll be staying at your house with my baby"
"No way"
"You have eight rooms David, don't be stingy!"
"It's not the amount of rooms I have. I'll be traveling tomorrow and I can't leave you, Sharon and Cynthia under the same roof" I answered and she hissed.
"Not with the issue I have on ground already" I answered and she requested to know what. 

Erika's POV
I lost my appetite after what Mrs. Savage displayed. I couldn't eat during break time. My joy was pored at how Principal Gbade controlled the situation. The fact that no one In school was talking about it gave me greater joy.

Miss Oloche rushed into my office, "They're fighting oh" she yelled and I scoffed. 
"Who again?" She asked.
"Sharon and that Tuni girl" she answered. "They're in the detention room"
I walked into the detention room to find Mrs. Ajala, Tinu, Ade, Sharon, her nemesis, Endwell and an unfamiliar face. "I was even about to  call you" Mrs Ajala noted and I looked at Sharon with so much disappointment.
"Sharon was caught fighting with Endwell again, Tinu here was fighting with Wemida and Ade was trying to separate them"
"I still don't see any reason why I'm here," he complained, "Please help me sort this matter out" Mrs Ajala demanded then she left. 
"What's going on here?" I asked and everyone kept quiet. "Have you all suddenly gone deaf?" I asked, "Well Ma, I saw  Sharon kissing Ade" Endwell answered and everyone in the room apart from Endwell and the other one, gasped in disbelief.
"You can lie!" Tuni yelled. 
"Sharon what happened?" I asked and she looked down. 
"Well... Endwell overheard my discussion with Ade about our kiss on Saturday" she answered and I folded my hands. I was shocked. 
I wasn't even aware of it. 
"She started saying stupid things to me" 
"Who said stupid things?" She asked, "Ma, you can ask Wemmy oh. I didn't say anything, I just told her that why would she be so young and be kissing guys"
"It's amazing how you lie through your ugly teeth" Ade snapped, "Don't even bring your own my way"
"Or else what? You'll kill me with bad breath? Cause that's the only thing you have anyways, all barks and bad breath" He paused and Endwell covered her mouth. 
That weakened me a bit. I would have laughed if I wasn't a teacher.
"She called me a slut" Sharon explained.
"Slut is calling is calling somebody slut" Tuni batted her eyes at. "Tuni keep quiet, wait your turn!"
 "That didn't even make me angry, what made me angry was when she" Sharon hesitated, Endwell covered her mouth. 
"It's a lie oh" she said and Sharon pushed her away. "She called you a sl*t, she said I'm trying to be like you and that very soon I'll end up pregnant without a father like you"
I almost felt like slapping the young girl but I controlled my temper. "Is that true" I asked Endwell.
"It's a lie, ask my friend Wemmy" she said and I turned towards the last girl. "It's the truth, they're lying" she answered, "I'll tell your mom that" Tuni said, it sounded like a threat but Wemmy covered her mouth. 
"Endwell is lieing, they're telling the truth" she answered in fear and I wondered what secrets these teenagers  had up  their sleeves. Endwell tightened her fist. 
"And what's your business here Tuni, why were you fighting with Wemmy?"
"She gave her mother the video of.. " she stalled and I understood. I've been wondering where the video surfaced from,  I finally got my culprit. If Tuni had seen the kiss scene, Sharon must have too.
"What video?" Endwell asked, "If you dare tell her, I'll ruin your life" Tuni threatened.
I requested they all leave except Sharon. "I'm so disappointed at you right now"
 "I'm sorry for fighting Ma" "Not that, you kissed Ade and you couldn't tell me, if you can't tell me about things like this, what can you tell me?"
"I was ashamed Ma. He asked me out" she  and I sighed. "I don't know what to do, I like him"
"You're in that period, okay? Every teenage experiences it but it's not the right time yet. I'll talk to Ade, I'll let him know it's not the right time yet."
"When is the right time?"
"You'll both know the right time," "Did you all see me when your dad and I kissed?" I asked and she nodded. "Your step mom came today to have me fired"
"I told Tuni to delete it but she didn't. I'm sorry Ma"
"It's okay, I'm not going to blame anyone. Sharon" I paused, I didn't know my next declaration would sound. 
"I might have to stay away from you guys for a while" I proposed and she shook her head. "Why? I already said I'm sorry" she cried. 
"It's for the best, I don't want this case to escalate. Please for God sake, it's best I stay away from you and your Dad.
I suddenly started to cry. 
"Can I ask you a quick question?" She paused and I nodded. 
"Do you like my dad?" She asked and I paused in thought, "No I don't, I'm in love with Feso"
"He left you"
"I think he's coming back"
"Because of the prophesy" 
"Prophesy?" She asked and I rolled my eyes. "Or hints, remember I was single and frustrated? I met Tuni's mother and she told me that I'll meet the love of my life on a special day and it will be marked with some grey, something embarrassing and gifts." I paused smiling. 
"That morning, I experienced a lot of embarrassing moments, I fell, my heels broke and my wig fell off" I laughed, and your dad saw me. When I met Feso in his grey suit, it was magical. He was all I ever wanted, my dream man" I paused "But fate played a trick on me." I added.

After school activities ended for the day, I went over to Savage Realtors. I wanted to break off my friendship with David. I sighed as I climbed the stairway. 
My heart broke even when I haven't  said a word to him. I saw Imaobong Sunday at the secretary desk, I was surprised since I heard she worked in one big company. 
"Imaobong" I called out and she stood up. 
"You work here?" I asked, "I was just getting an information from the secretary's laptop. I wonder where she is" she looked around.
"What are you doing here?" She looked at my belly then folded her hands.

Read " Hotel Palava " by the same author ( Essien Eno )

. "I never knew you were married or engaged"
"Can I see the boss?" I asked and she pointed at the door.
I walked into David reading, "Good afternoon Sir" I greeted and he smiled. " just called me Sir" 
"Hold that thought, Did you see Imaobong out there? What would you like to eat?" "I'm not hungry." I answered. 
"Imaobong works here?" I asked, I decided to use the opportunity to ask before dropping my bomb. 
"Yeah she's my secretary" "Interesting" I sat on the chair, "For how long?"
"Why are you interested, do you know her?"
"Yes I do actually, we were colleagues in the university, I heard she was working In a big firm"
"Two years ago, she was retrenched along side her husband so, she's just settling for the job"
Seriously?" I asked and he nodded
 It was revealing.. I didn't understand why she always pretended to have the perfect life among everyone.
"Why does she act as though she's perfect? I knew her in school and she tried to make my life miserable, people like her made people like me jealous because of her frequent Facebook posts" I paused and he laughed.
"Imaobong can be that way, I know the husband so well, she love the big life"
 "She was the one who made me feel bad at the get together" I confessed,
"Before the incidence with the phone" he added laughing and I laughed too. 
It was really contagious.
"I have something I wanna say to you" I paused, "What?" 

"I'm sorry it had to come to this, your wife came by earlier at the school"
"Geez! Did she hurt you or do anything stupid?" He asked,  "She requested that I get fired from work"
"I'm sorry" he apologized, "Sir I've come to a conclusion for peace sake, whatever we have going on, whatever friendship we have, it stops today" I noted and he stood up walking towards me.
"Why?" He asked, "Because...." I stalled, "Your wife, I don't want issues okay"
"It shouldn't stop us from being friends"
 "We have to stop seeing ourselves, I can't be seen with you"
That's crazy, I can't live without seeing you" he confessed. I was taken back by the confession.
"Whatever thing, whatever thing we have, this friendship has to end"
"Or you saying this because of Cynthia or what happened between us on Saturday" he asked and I rolled my eyes.
 He got me real good. 
 "I thought we agreed it was nothing, what are you scared of?" He asked moving closer to me and I moved back but i kept quiet. "What are you scared of Erika" 
"Are you sure, you're acting like you're scared. Unless.... Except you're scared you might do it again" he added and I stared once again at his lips.
 "This is why we need space" "Do you like me?" he asked and I paused in thought, "I don't know, I'm not really in the right frame of mind right now. All I know is that I like Feso, that I'm sure of" I answered.
"I think you should focus on your wife" 
"I never loved Cynthia, not even a single day. I'm a man with a lot of tolerance that's why I've been able to stay"
 "Why are you telling me all these?"
"I'm letting you know because I like you and you most times make me wish I wasn't married"
"Why are you saying all these now?"
"Because I can say it, Erika I liked you from the start, right from the first day I saw you. When we kissed I thought maybe, just maybe there was a part of  you that liked me. Feso's lucky and he's so stupid not to realize what he's missing" he commented and tears streamed down my eyes. 
I had to leave.

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