Attitude meets Arrogance - Episode 76
Ciara's POV
The last thing I remember is arguing with Jaxon but here I was lying on my bed with Sophie and the doctor standing beside me...
"How are you feeling Mrs Marcias???" The doctor asked the moment I fully gained consciousness...
"I feel like my head has been run over by a truck and the abdominal pains are unbearable..." I stuttered as tears made my cheeks wet...
"How are you feeling dear???" Sophie asked as she sat beside me and took my hand into hers...
"I hope Jaxon didn't tell Jordan about it...I don't want him to know....Please talk to h....."
I felt a sharp pain in my belly that made me forget what I was saying as I begun groaning in pain...
"Doctor why are the headaches frequent and the abdominal pains severe????" I cried out, squeezing Sophie's hand...
"You are now 12weeks pregnant and I don't think you following my instructions at all..." The doctor warned as she checked my heartbeat...
"Your heart pulse rate is still high, I think it's time I tell your husband...There is no improvement and this is so risky for the baby..." The doctor said in a commanding tone..
"Please don't tell him doctor, I am begging you..." I struggled to sit upright but couldn't. My head was killing me...
"Are you undergoing any stress???Is there anything wrong???" The doctor asked and I just shook my head in disapproval...
How could I tell her Jordan and I were divorcing in a week's time and it was draining the life out of me...I know I shouldn't be selfish and consider the being growing inside me but I can't live with the thought of losing the one I love...
"Ciara, please tell us if anything is going on...We will help you..." Sophie told me softly..
"I am okay..." I tried to show her something that looked like a smile...
"I am sorry but I can't hide this from Mr Marcias anymore....You need his support now more than ever...I thought you would take care of yourself but you have proven that it's a hard task for you. Hyperemesis gravidarum is no joke and miscarriages are common..." The doctor lamented...
"Please don't tell him, I will take care of myself...I am begging you woman to woman..." I reached out for her hand and took it.
"Please doctor, I will do better....Give me on more chance..." I pleaded...
Just when she was about to reply, Jordan begun knocking at the door violently...
"You all better open the door or I will break it!!! What are you doing to my wife????" We could hear him shouting...
"Your husband is so stubborn, I don't know what to do with him anymore..." Sophie thundered with closed teeth...
"Let him in or he will never stop..." I replied calmly...
"Are you sure???" Sophie confirmed and I nodded....
The moment she opened the door, he came running towards me and for a second I felt the pain blowing away..
All episodes of this story can be found here >>
. He was like the antidote I needed...
"Are you okay????" He asked as he sat beside me..
"What's wrong my love???" He took my hand, brought it to his lips and kissed it, "Why did you faint earlier??? Did anyone offend you????"
I could feel tears burning behind my eyes...
"Doctor what's wrong with her??? She will be okay right?!!" He asked but before the doctor could say anything Sophie butted in...
"The doctor it seems Ciara is okay..I will walk you out..." Sophie took the doctor's hand and begun dragging her out..
Jordan was looking at Sophie and the doctor all confused when I snapped my fingers at his face...
"Hey, don't mind them...I just got weak because of the weight loss program am following..I should stop being obsessed with fitness..." I faked a laugh...
"I have realised you have lost some weight, you eat these weird foods and you always look fatigued or dehydrated...You are good just the way you are, promise me you are gonna stop this madness..." He took my hand and placed it on his head and all I did was nod..
I could feel a sob choking me as the urge to hug him and cry on his chest seemed to almost overpower me...
"Baby, are you okay????" Jane dropped her purse when she got inside the room and ran to me..
I was happy to see her but I needed some alone time to have an emotional breakdown..
"Everyone get out, I need to be alone..." I said in almost a loud voice,"Please can you all leave!!!!"
They all stood there hesitant to leave, looking at me all confused..
"I say get out, I need to be alone..." I yelled, hitting Jordan with a pillow weakly as tears dripped from my eyes...
"What's wrong???" He tried to touch my face but I slapped his hands away...
"Let's leave her alone..." Sophie advised him as she pulled him from the bed...All the time as Sophie dragged him out of the room, his eyes were stuck on me...I could see despair and pain in them...
Jordan's POV
I don't understand what's going on....she looked like she was in pain, like was yearning to be held in my arms...
Why did she look so broken???? She didn't look like she was losing weight in the fit kind of way, it was more of a sickly kind of way...
When we got out of our room, Jane was in tears and Sophie was hugging her...
"I don't think I can be strong anymore, did you see her????"Jane stuttered...
"Let's go talk in my room, this is not the right place..." Sophie whispered to her...
When they were about to walk past me, I held Sophie's hand.."Can you tell me what's happening??? For the first time you slapped me today and Ciara doesn't look like herself inside there..."
"Let her be...She is okay or else she would be in hospital now..Kindly can you let my hand go..." She smiled at me but I could see worry written all over her face...
Minutes later, Ariana and Jaxon came out of their room and they looked sad....
"Jaxon, are you ready to tell me what happened to Ciara since you are the one who brought her to our room???"
"She just fainted...I know nothing bro..." Just like that him and Ariana walked past me...
What was everyone hiding????
I wish I could ask the doctor but I have never seen her before. She looked familiar but I don't know where I have seen her from...
I wish grandma and Mother were here with us but too bad they are in Italy having some alone time...
I sat down on the floor, my head leaned on the door waiting for Ciara to call out my name...I don't know for how long I sat there but it had already gotten dark...
"She must be asleep by now...." I thought to myself...
I slowly opened the door and tiptoed in...The room was empty but the bathroom door was open and the lights were on..
I walked into the bathroom and found her rinsing her face... It was filled with an awful vomit smell...I slowly walked up to her, pulled her closer to me and wrapped my arms around her..
I could feel her tears wet my t-shirt and I was happy that even though she didn't open up to me,she could let the pain out with me by her side..
"Can I be alone for a tiny little while????" She requested the moment she pulled back...
"I will be on the other side of the door waiting..." I kissed her on the forehead and walked out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind me...
She took a while in there and I was getting impatient as I paced to and fro around the room..
All of a sudden I felt her arms around my torso from behind as she hugged me close...
"Thank you Jordan for putting up with me..."
I took her hands and turned around to face her, "Pretty face I will always be with you no matter what..."
"Thank you Jordan..." She smiled weakly...
Right now she looked more pale and fatigued...
"So can the pretty face tell me what's wrong???" I asked as I cupped her face..
"Just hold her tight tonight and dont let go.."
I moved closer and closer until our lips brushed against each other...
"You know I will always be here..."
"I thought you are gonna kiss me...." She whispered seductively...
I placed my forehead on hers,"I am afraid I won't stop...You just awaken this animal inside me every time I am so close to you...."
"I just want my beautiful head to lie on top of your shirtless chest as your hands roam around my body..But before that....."
She snaked her arms around my neck and kissed me so slow and passionately....It felt like we were both thirsting for each other for so long...
Ciara's POV
I almost cried myself to death in that bathroom as I sat behind the door... I needed him by my side as my life threatened to crumble in my fingertips...
Someone just redeem me from this pain...I want all of it to go away...
All I did for the hours I was in that bathroom was throwing up, crying and rinsing my face...
But the moment he walked in and hugged me, it was like he had sensed his presence was needed...I felt protected and slightly okay when his arms were wrapped around my frail body..
It's like he always knew how to make me feel better...May it be by words or the power of touch.. If not for the fact that I was pregnant and in pain, I would have made love to him like a wild animal...
There was a party tonight to celebrate the successful opening of Varuna fashion house.. If it were up to me, there wouldn't be a party at all...
I opened my hands smiling thinking that Jordan was lying beside me only to find the side of his bed empty...
With a feeling of nausea, I woke up to go to the bathroom when I heard the doorknob shuffle ..
"And where do you think you going????" He asked as he struggled to close the door and the same time hold onto the tray tightly...
I hurriedly got back to bed and held in the vomit...
"I made you some bacon and sausages...." He smiled as he placed the tray on my table lamp...
The second the aroma of the sausage hit my nose, I couldn't hold back the vomit...
I pushed him aside and run to the bathroom...As I threw up in the toilet, I felt him hold my hair back for me as he rubbed my back...
"Are you okay????"He asked...
I didn't have the energy to even respond...After I was done, I sat on the floor as I tried to even my breaths....
"Are you okay???" He asked as he joined me on the floor..
"My weight loss program doesn't allow me to take bacon and sausages..I felt disgusted...I prefer baby shake..."
He just pulled me to his chest and wrapped his arms around me...
"I want you to stop following this weight loss program..Anyone would think you are pregnant but you are under family planning...I don't like how you keep on throwing up, yesterday I know you kept throwing up..The vomit smell in the bathroom sold you out..."
I wish you knew that I have a fruit of our love growing inside me. I wish I could tell you, scream the good news to you but I am scared that I will just burden you after the divorce...
"You would be a good mother Ciara, do you know that????" He asked and I was just speechless..
"I would love to see you holding a baby in your arms, you would look really beautiful..." I could sense sadness in his voice. It seems he was eager to finally have a kid of his own...All his brothers were having children and here I was hiding the news from him..
"I always imagine you waking me up at night to feed the baby since you are so tired..And I stand there with him in my arms as we just stare at you while you sleep..That would be amazing..." He chuckled as his tear dropped on my face...
Or I should tell him that I am pregnant and I lied about family planning...I had things all wrong and maybe after hearing, there will be no divorce and we will live like a happy family...
I pulled back from his chest and just when I was about to start confession the sweet truth, he said something that shattered my happiness..
"Too bad, it's just a fantasy and very soon you will be single again and every man will be thirsting for the hot Ciara. I talk alot, come I will help you get to bed and get you that baby shake.."
I could feel sobs choking me that I could barely breath...
He carried me bridal style from the floor to the bed...I don't know why I had this urge to tell him the truth...all of a sudden, I wanted him by my side as I go through this painful experience...
He took the tray from the table and when he was at the door, I called out to him..
"Jordan, I have something to tell you!!!!"I stammered...
"Are you okay???" He dropped the tray on the floor and came hurriedly back to me...
"Yes I am good, I just wanted to say...."
His phone begun ringing interrupting us...He took it from the pocket and he had this shocked look on.
"Is everything okay???" I asked..
"Beatrice is calling me..." He stammered...
Read " Binded by friendship " by the same author ( Fideh Mwangi )
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What is wrong with this Ciara girl she should tell him
What does that witch wants, spoiling our mood of the truth, now she won't tell him the truth again
Beatrice again?? But why?
Ciara tell him na biko
These two are sooo depressing *face palming*
Ciara ,Please just tell Jordan and see how pregnancy will look good on you.
Of gosh this is not looking good at all,l for how long can ciara play ? the hide and seek game???