In Love with a Kidnapper - Episode 11


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I stared at the ripped up picture that was getting wet by the rain. My body felt heavy, cold and empty. Little by little, people started rushing inside and I was left alone. I crouched down onto the side of the fountain and sobbed.
” What did I tell you about crying over someone who won’t cry over you,” A soft voice appeared in front of me. I looked up . It was Cole. ” I heard what happened,” He whispered.
He held an umbrella over me. What stood out the most from his angel face self was that he had a small bruise on his left cheek.
” W-what happened?!” I exclaimed. His face turned down.
” Nathan past by me and my fist acted by itself,” he chuckled. I thought to myself of a translation to that sentence, “I beat up Nathan for you.”
My eyes widened. I attempted wiping the tears away to give a smile, but more came instead. Coles face became passionate and he held out his arms for me to jump in. I took it. The warmth of Coles hands filled my emptiness.
The flashing memory of when he made that promise came into my mind. How he promised he will always be there for me. I had thought that was a stupid pick up line that guys use but when I looked into Coles eyes now. He wasn’t joking

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. I leaned in closer to Cole and gave him a small peck on the lips. I wanted to show him at least a small gratitude. He blushed and let go.
“L-Lets go inside now,” he stuttered helplessly. I nodded. My throat was dry from all the crying. I turned back and look at the picture, I felt the need to pick it up before it got ruined. However what was the point of keeping a broken memory now…
I changed into some more dryer clothes and went into my room. I didn’t want to see Nathan or talk to him nor be in the same room as him. I threw Aunts Marie’s things out the door and laid in bed. Peoples voices still echoed downstairs. I put a pillow against my head trying to block out all sound. Tears still rolled down my face. The small flashing memories kept zooming into my head of all the times I spent with Nathan. I wished for these painful memories to fade.
More tears swept across my face creating a small damp spot on the pillow I laid on. I just wanted to go home, to see my friends and family. I tried thinking of Jake whom I had feared to think of. My heart soon sank down more as I thought of questions that I would never have thought of: Does he still care about me? Did he ever think of searching me when I was kidnapped? Has he already moved on?
– ( The exchanged day ) –
” Alright Cole and I will be in that car and you and Nathan will drive in that car,” Daniel pointed at the 2 black vans standing in front of me. I replayed what Daniel had said and recalled Nathan and I being in the same car. What an awkward trip this will be. Nathan gave a small growl and walked towards the drivers seat.
“Get in,” Nathan hissed. He was his closed cold selfish jerk again. I glanced at Cole at the corner of my eye. He looked pissed and worried. I gave him a small smile and went in the car. I tried to make less eye contact on Nathan and stared outside the window at the empty blue sky.
Today is the day everything can get back to normal. I could forget all about the kidnapping, the blackmail and Nathan. Finally I could return back to my regular self with Jake. Nathan jabbed the keys into the engine like a madman. Some way to treat a car.
” Seat belt,” He whispered. I ignored him. Since when does he care? He didn’t repeat himself and started following the car Daniel and Cole were in. It felt like hours of silence but it was only five minutes. We drove into a forest pathway.
” Kim,” Nathan whispered quietly. My body felt tense and heavy, I didn’t want to talk to him.
” Listen I’m sorry, about last night. I still love you” Nathan said still looking at the roads.
“What does that even matter, it wasn’t like it was going to work out or anything.” I rolled my eyes. The words were chocking in my mouth.
“Kim, I didn’t break up with you because I saw Lucy. Its what Lucy had said,” Nathan clenched.
“Lucy had said?” I said now curious. My heart had lifted a bit. My guess is that Nathan didn’t break up with me because of Lucy but she had blackmailed him. What was so important that he would give up love for it? Did he even really love me in the first place? Nathan stayed silent.
” What was so important that you would give up me for it?” I finally asked. Nathan stayed quiet still. I sighed and looked onto the side of the road.
” Deer,” I said looking at the deer that was attempting to cross the road. Nathan was looking at me in a confused face.
” Kim, we are not a couple you don’t have permission to-”
” NO! I MEAN DEER! LOOK OUT!” I interrupted pointing at the road. Nathan looked at the road and turned the steering wheel.
The car swayed and my body slammed onto the side of the door. Everything started going into a blur. I felt the car going in mid air and swayed upside down. A sharp pain hit my head that had smashed into the car window and I felt blood run down my face. The faint sound of Nathans voice echoed through as my eyes got heavier and heavier until it was pitch black.
~Nathans Point Of view~
” Kim! Kim! I shouted. I ignored the throbbing pain that was hitting everywhere in my body. The smell of smoke filled inside of me making me impossible to breath. The only thought that ran through my mind was the well being of Kim. Was she alright? Is she dead?
I scanned my eyes to find Kim unconscious beside me. She had a slow steady breathing pace with several cuts on her face but none lethal. Blood was dripping on the side of my head but nonetheless alive.
” I have to get her out”I thought to myself. I tried moving but suddenly a pain shot through my ribs. I screamed in pain. ” I have to save her!” I thought again. I took a deep breath and used all my strength and tries to lift Kim, bridal style. The cars suddenly tips over from the movement. I immediately protect Kim from the fall. The broken glass instantly stab on my back. I winched in pain.
I glanced on the side, there was now an opening on the passenger seat – an exit to get out. I started dragging Kim out of the car. The smell of gasoline ran through and without a second to spare I ran with Kim in my arms and the car exploded. I took a small glance back. ” To think I was just in there.” I chuckled.
My body became weak and I tumbled on the ground the smoke still covered my throat. I tried coughing it out. Car lights flashed into my eyes. I squinted and saw three shadow figures coming towards us.
” Nathan what happened?!” said Robert shocked as he saw Kim unconscious.
” Car accident. A… deer came out of nowhere… I-I was not looking,” I struggled to say. Robert picked up Kim gently as I was explaining.
” Is she going to be alright?!” Daniel asked concerned. Cole stood in the back with is eyes full of worry for Kim.
” She needs to go to a hospital. The back of her head is bleeding. Daniel, help Nathan into your car. Kim rides with me and Cole,” Robert replied. Daniel nodded and threw my right arm over his shoulder and already helping me into the car. I looked helplessly at Kim who was dying because of me.
There wasn’t much action in the emergency room. I heard Robert talking to the nurses and Cole tried fixing my wounds himself.
” Please shes was in a car accident!” shouted Robert. Nurses beginning turning there faces towards us and there eyes widened seeing Kim unconscious in dads arms. She most certainly looked like she was in a car accident.
” We need a bed!” yelled one of the nurses immediately. Soon the bed arrived. ” Place her there carefully.” She ordered to Robert. ” What kind of car accident?” she idiotically act. Can’t she tell?
” A bad one. Will she be alright?” Daniel interrupted. The nurse looks at Daniel.
” I can’t say for sure but the from this appearance she might have brain damage.” The nurse replied and soon left.
” Farewell Kim.” Robert said and walked out. I grabbed his arm.
” We can’t just leave her here like this!” I demanded.
” Did you forget what kind of position we are in Boy? They’ll start questioning. We have to leave.” Robert said in a stern voice.
” Nathan. That’s an order. We’re leaving.” Robert hissed and grabbed me by the arm. I struggled but my wounds began to open again. I winched.
” Where to dad,” Cole whispered. It seems like he didn’t want to leave too.
” To another hospital. Nathan needs to be checked also.” Daniel whispered. My body felt full of regret, I didn’t care about how my body was but for Kim. Is she going to be alright?
~ Kim’s point of view ~
The sound of a monitor beeping woke me up. The ceiling lights blinded me. I felt myself on a bed. I heard someone calling my name. I turned my head slightly. A sudden pain winched.
” Kim?!” said a boy with amber coloured eyes and disarranged brown hair. His face looked worried I looked at him confusedly. ” Whose Kim? ” I asked. Panic started rising inside of me like wild fire.” Wait? Who am I? Whats going on? Why am I in a hospital?” My mind cringed of the random thoughts that appeared in my mind.
“Where am I?” I demanded to the boy. The boy gave a relieved smile. ” Stop smiling! Whats going on!”
” Oh Kim I’m so glad your alright! I’m sorry its all my fault!” His face brightened and gave me a gentle hug. ” What are you doing? Who are you!” I screamed pushing him away. His face looked hurt.
A man in a white coat enters the room and smiles.
” What happened to me? Who am I?” I started demanding at the man. I started feeling hopeless.
” Calm down Kim. You were in a car accident that made you lose your memory. This may only be temporary though,” The man stated. My eyes widened in shock. ” I will go fetch your family.” the man nodded and left. I looked back at the boy.
“Kim do you remember who I am?” The boy asked giving a worried look. I stared at him for a long while. A blurry imaged appeared in my mind.
I remembered tripping on the way home from the park with the boy that stood in front of me. Then he had promised me something.
“Kim, I’ll protect you no matter what and I will never leave your side.” The words echoed in my mind. I remembered leaning in forward and kissing him softly. Who was he? The name escaped my mind.
“I remember… its mostly blurry but I remember being with you, but… I don’t remember your name. Sorry.” I whispered. I felt guilty. I couldn’t even remember someone who I was kissing.
” Its Jake.” he chuckled hiding his disappointment. He smiled and kissed me softly on the cheek. ” Your very close friend” He winked. I blushed. The door opened and Jake immediately jumped back to his chair.
A woman in her early thirty’s walked in the room followed along with a man behind the woman was a small boy clinging onto the side of her arm. The woman looked straight at me and tears flew down her cheeks. She rushed towards us.
” Kim! My sweetheart! Are you alright!” She screamed hugging me tightly.
” No, not until you let me go.. er..” I struggled. I tried to remember this woman’s name.
” Don’t force yourself honey. I will come back on its own ” She whispered letting go of me. ” I’m your mom.” She gave a small smile.
” Hi, mom” I smiled. It felt awkward not even remembering my own mom.
” Kim do you remember anything else?” The man behind my mom. He was holding my mom hand. Was he my dad?
” No sorry.” I whispered. He looked pissed.
” Cool down Joseph,” Jake placed his hand on my dads shoulder. ” She must be exhausted after being kidnapped for like two we-”
” Jake!” yelled my mom. Her eyes were filled with anger. But what caught my attention was what he said. Kidnapping?
” What?” I said looking at my mom.
” We were planning on telling you later. But since Jake brought it up,” My mother said glaring at Jake.
” About a month ago, when you and Jake were walking home… some men kidnapped you. Four days ago we found you in the hospital.” The dad continued interrupting my mom. Jake glared at him weirdly. A sudden rush of a painful memory cringed my head.
I saw a boy kicking Jake, his face was blurry all I saw was Jake getting beat onto the ground. I remember a boy trying to restrain me. I called Jake’s name out but before I could reach him I was pushed into the van.
I turned my head to the side, In pain. My head felt like it was about to explode. Tears rolled down from the pain. I let out a whimper.
” Kim! You okay?” Jake asked concerned. Grabbing my hand to stop the trembling.
” Yeah I’m fine” I replied and gave a small smile. ” I’m just tired that’s all, when can I go back home?” changing the subject.
” Soon we would have to run a few test to check if there is any brain damage,” The doctor interrupted.
I gave an unconcerned nod. Jake smiled and patted me on the head. ” You’ll be fine Kim.” Jake smiled pulling me head closer and kissing me on the forehead. I felt comforted but in an awkward way. As if there was something big I was missing in my life.
– Two days Later –
My name is Kim. Apparently, I have a little brother named Simon. Along with a mom and a dad. According to what my parents informed me I am a average daughter. Average grades, gets along with most of my class. Plays piano and likes to draw. Some memories flashed back when they would to talk to me about my past. Very slowly I was recovering my memory but I felt like I was missing a huge fragment of my memory that I needed to know.
” You ready for school Kim?” Jake chuckled as he leaned on the side of my door waiting for me to get ready.
” Maybe, I’m a little nervous. I feel like a kid that just got out of home school,” I said as I slipped on my shoes.
” Sure, that’s one way to think of it,” Jake chuckled. ” By the time you get there you will probably regain your memory. I’m sure of it”
” Lets hope so,” I said as I locked the door. I gave a big yawn as we stared walking a few steps away from my house.
” Tired much?” Jake chuckled.
” Just a little, I didn’t get much sleep lately. Weird dreams keeping me up.” I sighed.
I tried visualizing the dream again. I was in a dark circular room, and a boy was standing in front of me. His face was blurry though no matter how hard I tried focusing. I remember hearing violin music that was soothing but it felt lonely and scared. The boy would come up to me and whisper something but no words came out. Then as I would touch him I am flashed into a garden. It was cold and wet. I felt the need to look for something or someone. But what?
” Oh dreaming about me perhaps?” Jake teased interrupting my thoughts.
” You wish.” I smiled and flicked him on the forehead and dashed forward.
At school my father had told the principal of my two week absence and the situation and they understood. My memories came back more and more. There was only one thing that bugged me. I felt like I was missing something in my life… something in heart was made me fidget as I tried to remember it. I replayed the words my mom had said to me. How I will remember everything in time. I wanted this memory to come more faster but the other me didn’t. I stood in front of the doorway of my first class. Math.
The teacher inside the room called my name and I entered the classroom. My stomach rolled with all the eyes that were staring at me. I introduced myself and tried finding an open seat. There was one next to a window. A black haired boy sat next to it and seemed to be daydreaming.
“Hi, I’m Kim” I said anxiously as I sat right beside him. He turned his head towards me and his face was pale.
” Um. You okay?” I asked waving my hand over his face. He gulped and nodded his head. ” Are you sure? You seem a bit… terrified or something.”
” I—I’m Fine.” he said recovering from his freaky trance. ” Nice to meet you,” He smiled and turned his head to the window without introducing himself.
I managed to look at glance at his face. It was absolutely adorable. He looked like a cute model that came out of a fashion magazine. The thing that stood out the most to me was his jade green eyes…
To be continue.

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