Unattainable Perfection
- Romance Story
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* Beauty,they say lies in the eyes of the beholder.
But what happens when no eyes behold your beauty?
Alexandra Wallace has lived all her life fighting to achieve perfection just so she can can be accepted amongst peers and society.
But fate seems to have something else in store for her as she keeps bouncing back to her deserted self.
With time, depression and self esteem became Alexa's daily meal as she continues to struggle to achieve an unattainable perfection.. In course of her struggles, William Wilson, in an attempt to save Alexa has the tables turned around as he is falsely accused of rape and sent to jail.
After being released from jail, an enraged William is determined to have his revenge on the Wallace family and thereby,disguises himself their new driver.
But then what happens when William Wilson begins to discover dark secrets he was never meant to discover? William Wilson is torn between the bridge of revenge and love whereas Alexa is slowly drowning,drowning in her unquenchable quest to achieve the unattainable.
William Wilson and Alexandra Wallace.
Two broken souls.
Two disoriented lives.
A darkened heart and a drowning heart.. When both meet. Becomes the start of a new dawn.
The start of secrets unravelling.
The start of love blossoming.
The start of two worlds clashing And the start of imperfections turned beauty.
Unattainable Perfection - Episode 1
- **** 17th September, 2016. Accra,Ghana. 5:00PM The dark clouds hovered over the skies, the weather changing rapidly as thunder rumbles dangerously. Lightening s...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 2
- **** 5th August,2017. Aston Villa, Accra, Ghana. 8:00pm. She stares at her reflection in the dressing mirror, letting her fingers trail over the two huge ugly scars just ...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 3
- **** WILLIAM'S POV. Blue eyes. That's all I can think of as this lady who's name I'm yet to know leans closer to me. She bites her lip...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 4
- ***** WILLIAM'S POV 11:00PM. I groan for the hundredth time this evening as another blow comes my way. I sit my butt on the cemented floor and lean against ...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 5
- ***** WILLIAM'S POV "Mother that's enough please" I plead worriedly.. But as stubborn as she is, she just shakes her head, crying. I...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 6
- **** Alexandra bolted through the open huge iron gates, making her way through the compound and into the comforting interior of the Aston Villa. A place where she used to...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 7
- **** 5th July,2015. 7:00pm. David leaned against the Porsche, studying the weather as he waited. For the thousandth time, he runs his hands over his face and si...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 8
- *** William stared at David, completely dumbfounded at the revelation. Who would have thought? The wealthy Henry Wallace was capable of murdering none other than his very...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 9
- **** Alexandra stops in front of the guard, panting heavily from running like she had been tasked to go on a marathon. The chief guard fumes at her, recognizing her immed...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 10
- **** Alice steps unto the large compound as she made her way towards the gate. Opening it, she pushes the door aside to reveal the man she presumed to be the lawyer. She ...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 11
- **** WILLIAM'S POV I toss and turn on my bed for the hundredth time. It's six pm now, time to take my bath or the tiny bathroom will be crowded. ...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 12
- ***** 7:00AM.. ALEXA'S POV Mumbling incoherent words, I roll on my comfy bed trying to block out the bright sun rays blinding my eyes through the cracks of the curtai...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 13
- *** ALEXA'S POV "Go on eat it Alice. It's okay. Really" I smirk as I watch her squirm in discomfort, gazing at the bowl of soup she prepared w...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 14
- **** ASTON VILLA MANSION.. Springing instead of walking, the giddy maid stops In front Alice's bedroom and then Knocks. While waiting,she takes her time to ...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 15
- ***** For a moment, the receptionist seemed to have lost her tongue as she continued to stare at the frightening woman. Her legs wobbled, almost giving her away till she ...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 16
- ****** A YEAR LATER. ALEXA'S POV. I pick at my food with the fork,twirling the fries around my plate. I sigh. I'm hungry. Really hun...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 17
- ***** ALEXA'S POV "Okay enough! That's enough!" Mr Dante screams silencing the two teenagers and I'm still rooted to the same spot, unable...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 18
- ***** It was the next morning,on a Friday when Marcus and Fraser set out towards the location their mother had sent them using the GPS. It was a friday and they were supp...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 19
- **** WILLIAM'S POV Folding the paper I gave her neatly, she tucks it into her skirt. She's always either in skirts or a straight flowing dress. ...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 20
- ***** WILLIAMS POV. If someone had told me a year ago that I'll be protecting the one woman I'm supposed to despise, I'd have probably cut out their intestine...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 21
- ***** WILLIAM'S POV I stare at her. Could this be just a coincidence? Or not? I question myself. I shake my head, willing the thoughts away. No, I...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 22
- ***** Henry sighs agitatedly as he runs his fingers through his hair. He watched as Mr Dante, his lawyer and only friend and confidant as of the moment walk away. ...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 23
- ***** ALEXA'S POV. I'm trembling. I bite down on my lip hard till I taste blood, hoping it'll help stop my trembling but it just keeps getting worse. ...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 24
- *** Rubbing the remnants of sleep away from their eyes, they both stare at the woman who was standing in the dark, a shawl covering her head and half of her face. "A...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 25
- ***** Alice sat opposite the man, biting her nails and tapping her foot as she waited impatiently for the lawyer to return. He had said he was going to process the docume...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 26
- **** ALEXA'S POV Sparks. Fireworks. That's literally everything I felt when William's lips came crushing down on mine. I held my...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 27
- * ***** Pacing the length of her small apartment impatiently, Alice checks her phone for the umpteenth time. She groans in frustration again. This was getting a...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 28
- ***** WILLIAM'S POV I run my fingers through my hair in frustration, pacing the length of the room. Mr Dante's expression isn't any less. ...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 29
- ***** WILLIAM'S POV. After my little speech, there was a long stretch of uncomfortable silence as I waited for Alexa to say something. Anything. B...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 30
- **** With his heart on his sleeves and the breath of fear leaving his nostrils, William sprinted towards Alexa's room throwing his cell phone somewhere on the tiled floor. ...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 31
- **** ALEXA'S POV I sigh contentedly as I collapse onto the small yet extremely comfortable couch, watching in silence as William locks the door. Done, he tu...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 32
- ***** ALEXA'S POV. I jolt out of bed with a start, panting like I had just ran a marathon. With trembling hands, I grab the bottle of water on the coffee ta...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 33
- *** ALEXA'S POV Coward. A damn coward the man I call father is. All he could do when our eyes met was to turn on his heels and run out, not giving...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 34
- **** ALEXA'S POV My back felt extremely heavy as I walked away, feeling his eyes watching me as I left, boring holes into my back. Taking in a deep breath, ...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 35
- ***** Alexandra screams as blood splashes onto the entire windshield, the woman rolling over the car's bonnet,on top and then falling with a loud thud behind the car. ...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 36
- ***** ALEXA'S POV It all happened in a blur. One minute, I was in William's arms and the next he screams as he pushes me down. I grip his shir...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 37
- **** ALEXA'S POV. Stepping away from Lydia's pathetic form, I grab my dress and put it back on. "Mark my words, you'll come crawling to me and ...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 38
- **** ALEXA'S POV There was a sickening silence after my outburst. Like a graveyard. I let my eyes wander around slowly, scrutinizing each face and...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 39
- *** ALEXA'S POV. "...Make love to me" the words tumble off my lips freely before I could think. I bite my lip, noticing William's ey...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 40
- **** ALEXA'S POV A loud gasp escapes me when I fly forward in a quick, harsh motion almost hitting my head on the dashboard because of the way William suddenly brough...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 41
- *DEDICATED TO BENEDICTA OSEI ARHIN.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE THIS EPISODE IS FOR YOU. * **** It happened probably one second ago. But it felt like an eter...
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Unattainable Perfection - Episode 42
- **** TWO MONTHS LATER.. ALEXA'S POV I Slump my tired self onto the thick sheets, feeling the smooth sand caress my back. I immediately feel warm big hands o...
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Welcome back Eliza
Akwaaba oooo Eliza
thanks Benedicta
aww thanks Mavis
I am delighted your are back
thank you Ronke. glad to be back too
Welcome back dear.
thanks cute dreamer
Good to have you back Eliza... I'm sure this story is gonna be awesome
thank you Vivian
thanks Pamela
Liz hha
Liz hha
Liz has any one told you that u re a genuine well hear it now sweetheart u re a super genuine
aww thanks a lot Obioma. love you