S.I.R.E.N (The Journey of Love) - Episode 21

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Previously on Siren

Siren collected it from Old Paa. As soon as the shell was in her hands it shone in brightness.


It was as if she was in a trance. She was being transported into another world.

She saw three beings all white in front of her, their tails huge and all white, their hair wasn't left out. Siren wasn't scared by what she saw, she was flabbergasted by her surroundings.

"You've been given the Shell of Pea . It was given to you by your mother to use. Touching it has returned the first Princess powers taken away from you at birth. With it you can be able to walk between the human and Oceania". One spoke to Siren who stare amazingly at them. She wasn't afraid of them.

"But I don't understand what you just said. Who am I and what are you?". Siren asked.

"We are what you called The Prophecies. The first Princess must come to Oceania to help her people. Your mother was captured by her evil twin sister, Luciana. She was promised to have the Ultimate Power by the Evil Sirens with her if she was able to capture your mother and the First princess. You must save Oceania at all cost". They told Siren together.

"Where is Oceania, how am I the First princess?"

"To know more about yourself and your mother take the Sea Shell to the sea blow it like a whistle and you will see what happens

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/s-i-r-e-n-the-journey-of-love

. Nevertheless somehow has been sent to take you to Oceania".


"Siren, you being the first Princess put you in danger but you have someone who could protect you from the evil ones. Find the one called Sirene, the Second Princess, and she would take you to meet the woman who can help you".

"Help me in what? Who is this Sirene you spoke about?".

"Sirene is your twin sister and so is one who will soon be unveiled". They said.

"I don't understand this at all".

But they didn't replied and they started becoming blurred for Siren.

Siren blinked her eyes to clear the fog in her eyes.

"What is it Siren, where you shown anything? Does it connect to your mother or your parent?" Old Paa asked.

Siren has stopped moving when she touched the shell and after some few minutes later her eyes were the first to move.

"Mermaids truly exist father, I just saw three and spoke to them". Siren answered in bewildered.

Written by Ifeoma Isabella Okeke

Old Paa smiled "I told you that they exist but did you believe me? No". Old Paa said.

"They told me somethings and what I picked out of there is the name Sirene".

"Wow, it bears a resemblance to your name".

"Yeah that's because the Sirene is my twin sister".

"Your twin? How? The lady, your mother, who brought you to me didn't make any mention of you being a twin".

"Well there is only one way to find out". Siren said as she grabbed the Sea Shell. It didn't shine like it was did and made to go outside.

"Where are you going with that sea shell?"

"The Prophecies as they called themselves told me to blow it at the Ocean and I will see everything. So I want to give it a try and see if I wasn't hallucinating when I saw those three white mermaids". Siren answered as she opened the door and ran outside in full speed.


"How does she looked like?" Alberta announced immediately she and Sirene stepped their foot inside the mansion at where her husband and Salvador were.

Salvador was throw off his feet by the young girl who stood by his mother. She looks like Lucy.

"Is that Lucy mum?"

"No my son, Sirene here is my granddaughter and your biological father. I have been thinking that the reason why Lucy ran away was maybe she thought you won't accept the pregnancy. You know back then you were against being called a father and you had told Lucy to her face that you weren't ready to be called a father yet". Alberta said.

"How did you get to know about those things I said to Lucy?". Salvador asked surprised when his mother told him those things he had stupidly told Lucy, he regretted them now. He was young and naive as of that time.

"Lucy called me to informed me about what you said. Two months later she went missing".

"Oh I see. But how did all burns removed from Sirene's face?"

"Your mother has a hidden heal water behind the mansion, in that cave house. It heals whatever that is brought to it so long you entered the water. I think your mother had took Sirene to that healing water to dip herself in it". Mr Glad spoke for his wife.

"And if truly she dipped herself in that healing water where is the evidence that she was in the water. She isn't even wet". Salvador gestured at Sirene.

In her over state of happiness it didn't occur to her that she wasn't wet when she came out of the water.

Written by Ifeoma Isabella Okeke

"One of it's powers.

Read " The Quest " by the same author ( Ifeoma Isabella Okeke )

. If a healing water could heal Sirene wounds won't it also do it's own wonders?" Mr Glad asked his Son. "Yes it would. I have seen it with my own eyes son and I believed it". Mr Glad added.

"Why haven't you or mom told me about it am sure my sister knows about it also".

"It is a secret kept between my husband and I only to be revealed if one is in need of it. Every couple has their secret, am sure you and Lucy has a secret". Alberta said to her son who didn't answer "I guess so too". Alberta said in smiles.

"Be happy she is your daughter but if you doubt it because I know you would. We shall do a DNA test". Mr Glad said.


"Will I ever get to see you my beautiful one". Davies said to the new portrait he has just made. "After all these years of waiting for us to see is it worth it? Wherever you are I am still waiting for you patiently and I hope we are on the same lane".

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