Forever, Mitchell - Episode 16

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°Holding on isn't the problem.. The problem is what to do when you've held on°


After I dress I walk downstairs and to the door.

"It would be best if you waited for mas..."

"It's fine, I'm sure it's alright, he won't miss me, I'm sure he wants me gone too." 

I step out, expecting the guards to hold me back but none of them do, they kind of bow when I walk past. 

I nod at them, not even angry, they are just doing their job, I clench the letter of resignation in my pocket as I walk towards the main house, it's quite far and I hope I don't freeze to death before I get there. 

I hold onto the other letter in my hand, the one I'm going to pass to Tyler, the one that states where I will be moving to and my new email address.

Just as soon as he tells me where Gina is at. 

We are going to make this work, I promise myself. 

I keep walking and when i see Xavier's  cardillac I duck behind a tree, these few days I've interacted with him has done nothing to reduce my fear of him. 

The man slit his own hand for goodness sakes! Who does that? 

I slowly step out when his car passes and I continue my trek to the house, hurriedly this time, it's mid evening, I want to get this done before it's dark..

After what feels like hours of trekking I step into the servant's passage and into the kitchen. 

Every where quietens when I enter, I don't make eye contact, just search for any friendly face. 

They must all hate me now, wondering what I've been up to these past few days. 

I see Claire and I walk to her, we might not be friends but I'm sure we can hold a civil conversation. 

"Claire... Good evening..

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Can you tell me where..." I don't get to finish when madam K steps into the kitchen.. 

"Mitchell" She says a hint of surprise in her voice. 

I walk to her, bowing deeply. 

"Thank you so much for everything madam K but I'm afraid I have to leave, I'm traveling, please consider this my 2 weeks notice" I say, holding out the letter. 

She looks at it, looks at me, looks at it before looking at me again,she doesn't get to repeat the circle because a loud voice asks from outside the doors. 

".. Where is my f*cking bride?!!" I don't have to be told twice for me to know that that's Xavier's voice. 

He got married? When? 

The doors burst open and I'm dragged out by guards into the sitting room, Xavier looks pissed. 

It is at this juncture that I must say I've never seen Xavier angry, I've seen him angry but never this angry. 

He looks... Murderous. 

His eyes turn to me and I cower back, what? What did I do this time? I thought the thing with Wallace was over. 

I even signed a paper and everything. 

"You were told to wait" He says, reining back his temper and I shrink back. 


"You do not bloody move until I say so, you hear me?" 

"I.. I.. Don't understand" 

"We are married, I expect you to answer to all of my commands" He says, a command in it self. 

"We are married?" I ask, my brain shutting down. 

You know how when watching movies you always get angry when the hero or heroine shows up at a bad timing? Let me tell you, it's nothing compared to the real deal. 

The real deal is painful as hell, Tyler materializes from the wood work exactly at the moment the word married leaves my mouth. 

His eyes are surprised and when I look around I see we are surrounded by the staff. 

Everyone looks surprised. 

Xavier does not bother to look at his brother or hold back because of him because he forged on. 

"We were wedded in blood, we will remain that way" He says and madam K gasp. 

Wedded in blood? Is he talking about those papers I pressed my thumb to? That was our wedding contract? My wedding contract? 

My heart begins to beat funny as my eyes go to Tyler, he looks astounded. 

"You must understand that to a crime family, wedding in blood is the ultimate, we are bond forever, I won't hesitate to kill you if you betray me" 

He says going to pull me up the stairs. 

I begin to shake, the floodgates of my heart producing tears that refuse to spill, I turn my eyes to Tyler. 

"Brother" Tyler says, effectively stopping Xavier's assent up the stairs. 

"Please, Mitchell has to attend to her cousin, I beg you to let her be away from you for a day" He says, like he is talking to a king. 

Xavier watches him before letting go of my hand.

"One day" He announces, moving away up the stairs. 

As I turn I see that all the staff have their head bowed, paying me the respect as the new mistress of the house. 

It makes me sick, I stretch out my hand towards Tyler and the thing that makes me sicker is that he ignores it. 

All through the car ride it was silent, I could not hold a conversation or ask what was going on because we had 4 of Xavier's men with us in the limo. 

The mistress's car they called it, it makes me sick to my stomach. 

I'm no one's wife. 

. .

Read " Protected " by the same author ( Bebe Ernest )

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