Dysfunctional - Episode 33

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Bosco's POV

I finally resumed work on Monday. There were a lot of work for me to do. Barrister Paul couldn't deal with them being just a representative. He wasn't at the office when I arrived.
Barrister Paul came in later in the day. He started off the conversation by asking me how my trip to Uyo was. 
"I finally found all my siblings" I answered smiling bashfully. "That sounds perfect but with more siblings comes more responsibilities" he added and I chuckled, of course I knew. 
I've started making plans already . "How's your heart?" He asked in that calm fatherly tone. It somewhat reminded me of dad.
"I haven't had an attack" I paused, "yet" I added and he chuckled. "Thank God you're back. Now I can retire in peace" he added and I chuckled.
 "I learnt you went to Uyo with Chisom Kalu" he added and I wondered where the discussion was heading to.
"Yes I did"
"What's it with you two apart from her being your therapist?" He asked and I thought of ways I could answer the question. "Sir... There's nothing" "Your mom told me all i needed to know already" he added sharply and I laughed. Why was he asking then?
"Your mom and I have been gossipping a lot about you since the heart attack incident"
"What did she say to you?"
"She said it's a matter of the heart, a divided heart

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/dysfunctional

. Speak to me boy, you're more or less like a son to me, I hope you know that" "I'm thinking of breaking up with Isabel" I confessed. "I've been thinking of ot since I came back. I can't keep on pretending with Isabel again"
"Are you sure of your decisions?" He asked and I shrugged. "As much as I don't want to break her heart, I need to do something that would make me happy and Sommy makes me happy" I continued and he gave it a thought.
"I know you might think it's wrong"
"I don't, I was in your shoe once, after my first wife died. I didn't know whether to get a second wife or not. I know a lot than you do about making choices in life; especially marital one.  Your life partner can make or mar your life. You have to choose carefully. If you feel Chisom is the right one, go for her. It all depends on the heart now." He advised making his way out suddenly he turned his head back at me.
"While you're at it, can you try to convince that mule to get those letters her father left her?"
"She doesn't want it" "The contents are not as bad as she presumes. All these young adults and their doubts!" He added then walked out of the office.
My tummy made growling sound.
I've sunk in deep with the documents, I just needed to have lunch. I called Alex up and he agreed to meet me up in an eatery. 
While we had lunch, I made known to Alex about my plan to break up with Isabel. 
"Finally!" He answered with a sigh, "No hard feelings man" he added.
"Sure but what do I do to prove to a woman that I'm serious about her?" I asked referring to Sommy and I saw Alex dive into a deep thought.
"Women differ oh, for someone like Gina, give her chocolate and she's good to go but for Dr. Sommy, what do you think she she needs the most or loves the most"
"There are a lot of things and none of it is edible"
"How about getting her a promise ring alongside chocolate? I heard guys are doing it these days to make girls know that they're serious"
"Okay" I paused. 
"I'll do it over a date. But promise ring thing, does it make sense? I don't want Sommy mocking the life out of me."
"Don't ask me, I simply suggested it, it's your choice to decide whether you want it or not"

Isabel's POV

I laid in one of the hospital bed where I thought deeply on what I wanted for myself. If I wanted to go through with the ab*rtion procedure or not. I told the doctor I needed time to think.
He walked in five minutes later. "Have you decided what you want?" he asked and I nodded.
I got rid of it. I was in no condition to drive, I felt drowsy, maybe from the drug given before the procedure started. Tasha took me over to the house.
I experienced some light bleeding so I had to use sanitary pad. Tasha said it wasn't my period. She said that I shouldn't expect my period until two weeks or so. I got ab*rtion enlightenment from her.
She can even get a  degree from it. She felt bad for it since she got me into it at first.
Innocent tried calling a few times but I couldn't pick up his calls. I didn't feel like it.
 I woke up towards evening time, I took my bath then i noticed I had missed calls from Bosco so I called him back to find out what was going on.  
"Hello dear" I began then i cleared my throat. "I suppose you're at your mom's" he asked, "Yeah Baby, what's going on? Do you want to see me?" I asked then he told me he was on his way already.
I wore a gown, sprayed a lot of perfume cause I felt like one could smell the ab*rtion off me. I felt dirty.
I sat at the sitting room. My favourite show was on but I didn't feel like watching. All I kept on thinking about was the sin I had just committed.
I just killed an innocent child, no pun intended. Then I started tuning to different t.v channels.
"Pick one already!" I heard Bosco say and I chuckled looking over at him. 
"Hey love" I exclaimed walking to him then I kissed him on the lip but he didn't return the kiss back. It felt strange.
"Geez Isabel, were you trying to choke someone with the perfume?" He asked and I laughed. "I guess I was nervous. I haven't seen you in almost four days so...." "You don't look yourself" he noticed and I examined my body.
"I've just thinking about things, what I want for myself. Since I got fired from work, I haven't had any other job. So I've just been thinking, I want to go back to the work force so i wholly depend on myself"
"I can help with that after what I have to say to you now" he answered getting all serious.
"Isabel" he paused, "I know we've been together for a year and two months now  and you've endured a lot from me. My incompetence and all," "It's all because I love you Bosco" I added placing my palm on his cheek.
 Why does it sound like a break up speech? I began to ask myself.
"Bosco Bosco!" mom interrupted, "Good evening Ma" he greeted and she hissed. 
"Shebi you didn't want to greet me before." "I didn't even know you were home" "Why haven't you been calling too? Bosco you've changed oh" 
"I'm sorry Ma" he answered clasping his hands together in plea.
"Isabel shouldn't you be resting?" She asked, "Mom I'm fine"
"Your wife is not feeling fine oh, she has been having Malaria for the past three days now" mom lied and I saw Bosco move close to me with that care in his eyes.
"How are you feeling now?" He asked and I shrugged. "You didn't tell me anything about it"
"I didn't want to bother you" I answered. I was buying into mom's scheme.
Immediately Bosco left the house, I saw mom put her hands on her head dramatically.
"My enemies are trying" she blurted out and I asked her why she said it. "Isabel, you're clueless!  Did you hear the way he spoke to you before I came in? Sweetheart that was a break up speech!" She yelled, "It's so annoying that you're so clueless about it"
"I noticed it okay? What do you want me to do? What would I have done?"
"Maybe Tasha was right about that doctor... Isabel if you lose Bosco, our family will run into debt!"
"I haven't borrowed money from anyone so count me out"
"Should I remind you that you don't have a job. Can you remember the last time you worked since you started dating Bosco? That's the kind of husband I pray to God for my children so that they will be blessed and in turn bless their parents" she paused sitting on the chair.
"We cannot sit back and watch another woman take his glory. If she's using powers, well show her that we ourselves we have power"
"I don't like the sound of that"
"Sound of what?"
"It sounds as though you're going to do some diabolical things" "Isabel you won't be the first to claim what rightfully belongs to you using powers and you obviously won't be the last"
"If we were looking for cure for let's say Bosco's incompetence, I can even agree but I'll  never stoop so low to trap a man that way. Count me out!" I answered walking into my room. "Isabel!" Mom called out and I ignored her.

Bosco's POV
On my way from work, I stopped by at a jewelry store. While searching the length and breadth of the store for  a ring, I saw a beautiful one. It took my attention.
"What do you want Sir?" I heard a lady on uniform ask, "Something that looks promising" I answered. "Sir you have to be specific" she chipped in and I chuckled.
"I'm looking for a promise ring"
The lady turned over to the ring I was staring at. "That's no promise ring"
"I know" i answered, "I feel like it's calling out to me"
"But you don't want to propose yet shea?" She asked, "I'm sorry for prying" she added and I told her It was nothing.
"It is. Everyone should have their boundaries" "It's okay, you're just doing your job" I answered then I exhaled still looking at the ring.
"Is she worth the proposal? Sir I'm married" she showed me her wedding ring on her finger.
"Trust me when I say this, the first question you have to ask before popping a proposal is, is she worth it? Is she the kind of person you want to spend the rest of your life with?" The lady asked I thought deeply on it.
I don't want to start a relationship with promises made with a ring. I wanted the real deal. 
"I'll take the ring" 

Afterwards I got a pack of chocolate wrapped with red ribbon with lots of heart shape on it.  I called Sommy up but she informed me that she wouldn't be sleeping at her house but rather at her aunt's and she won't be available to see me.
I called Isabel several times but she didn't pick up her calls. She called me back while I was on my way to her mom's house.
I rehearsed my break up speech so well but  just when I was about dishing it out to her, Isabel's mom interrupted me. 
I found out from her that Isabel wasn't feeling too well so I couldn't go through with it anymore. I didn't want to hurt her even more.
I left the house very disappointed. I called Alex while driving to let him know. "That means you're still with her. Ehya but there's always tomorrow sha"
"Until she gets better"
"Mehn you could have just closed your eyes and say it right there" 
"I'm not that heartless" "What about Sommy? I thought you called her up already."
"I did but she declined.

Read " Palm lines 2 " by the same author ( Essien Eno )

. I haven't seen her the whole day and I miss her already."
"This your love sef! Wetin she give you chop?" He asked and I chuckled. A car horn behind me.
"Are you calling while driving?" "Yes"
"Oh boy get away here! Do you want to die before your time?" He asked then hung up.
I needed to see Sommy but she already dropped a message that she won't be home so I had to go back home with the ring and chocolate. My mission for the night was unaccomplished.
Isabel paid me a surprise visit the next morning. I was taking my bathe when I heard her voice. 
Wasn't she supposed to be sick and resting? I walked out of the bathroom with a towel tied round my waist only to see Isabel with the ring in her hands.
"I saw this" she said biting her lower lip. "Um... you weren't supposed to see that" I paused. 
Suddenly, my heart started pounding. For some reason I was scared she would misinterprete the situation and think the ring was hers.
"It's okay. I'm glad I saw it."
"Isabel it's just"
"Yes.... My answer is yes. I'll marry you John Bosco. Yes I'll marry you." She moved close to me wrapping her hands around my neck. 
"I'll marry you a million times"

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  • Comr Nickie Marshalls picture
    Comr Nickie Marshalls
    Hmmmm, marry ke! Bosco better clear the air and tell her its not hers oo, and when is sommy and madam Jane planning going to tell bosco abt Isabel's pregnancy anyway
  • Comr Nickie Marshalls picture
    Comr Nickie Marshalls
    Hmmmm, marry ke! Bosco better clear the air and tell her its not hers oo, and when is sommy and madam Jane planning to tell bosco abt Isabel's pregnancy anyway
  • Destiny Benson picture
    Destiny Benson
    Please o Isabel shift the ring is not for you
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    Haahaaahaaa! Isabel please drop the ring, it is not for you.
  • Oyebode Florence picture
    Oyebode Florence
    Lobatan Is lyk she is mad abi!!! Mk she return sommy's ring ooo
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Haha, abeg, pls let Bosco have the courage to turn her off immediately, she can't be a kill joy lol, kudos dear
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Gbesere oo,, bia Isabel, is ur head paining u?? Which marry? U better wake up from dat dream ooo... dat RING is for SOMMY
  • Ebunlomo picture
    In your wildest dreams Isabel
  • philzzz vicky picture
    philzzz vicky
    Ewooooo see kasala oooo.can you imagine...pls drop another episode mbok
  • philzzz vicky picture
    philzzz vicky
    Bosco u better be man enough to tell her it's not hers
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Madam Jane, pls come and save the situation oh, we can't watch Bosco walk into the lions den lol
  • belladiva54@gmail.com picture
    [email protected]
    Lol!!marry ke?abeg bosco u better tell isabel it's not 4 her oo make she no use her own spoil ur own.essy luv,u r d bomb.
  • Angel picture
    She must be insane
  • Mary Eyo picture
    Mary Eyo
    Isabel wake up from your dream. well done Eno
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    Thanks Benedicta
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    Thanks everyone for the comments
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