Such Is Life

     Such is life. He'd learnt the truth, but in a hard way...

     There was no more he could do or say. He would have done better than that if he knew what was happening to him. He could not cope, not with the resentment he had for himself or his life. He'd suspected what would become of him, but never anticipated it this early. He sighed at the world that faded into blank space . Maybe he opened his eyes for too long or his heart bore greater pain, he wouldn't know except for the light flow of warm fluid on the cold skin of his face, it seemed to flow from his eyes. He was less bothered now. There was no explanation he could give, no one was worthy enough to listen. And he would take it all to himself, he knew he would bare it all to his grave. He knew but never thought it too early. He stared at the world before him, it faded into complete nothingness. He blinked his eyes, perhaps he'd stared too long. It was nothing anyway, life was vanity. He'd decided. His heart suddenly heaved heavy, tears welled up in his eyes and sobs shook his body in tremor. He closed his eyes, his grip faltered. Just now his father's voice echoed through his ears, "God knows what's good for us, his time is the best". Maybe he was out of His agenda especially now that he was torn into two, or more... He was sorry.

     His palm became sweaty and he surrendered, tearing through the air one hundred feet down. All was silent. The air seemed to show its disapproval, but it was helpless as him to something that pulled him down. Was it Fate? Gravity? He would never know. The air groaned through his ears as he tore through the atmosphere, it was helpless as he was to life. His clothes which had clung to his body in sweat like sticky wet leaves now billowed in the air like it knew what would happen next. As if it would be free if it billowed harder. He smiled, it was like man. Bonded with his burden as long as he lives on the mortal plane. His memories came in flashes. He smiles at his family, friends and enemies, they all seemed to be waving at him from above. He knew they would not forgive but hoped they would. It was around 02:45am, everyone was in their beds when he hit the tarred floor with the force of a meteorite. Life leaked from his head and body which was twisted at an impossible angle.

     And all that remained in the world he left behind were headlight from running traffic racing ahead. Honks could be heard from the ahead traffic. From a roadside church, "Silent Night" could be heard as well as murmurs from a nearby clinic. It was like nothing happened.

     Such is life. There was no more to be said or done. No explanation nor justification. No one was worthy to comprehend, not when they had tasks to perform. It's alright. They'd all come to learn one day. The question was how?

     He'd learnt the truth. It was bitter, such is life.

     The fiery orb of the sun started to roll from the East of the world's horizon. Sirens blared somewhere, maybe police's or ambulance'. Tobi would never know. In the death of a tree, a garden will grow. 

     Such is life.

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