Twisted Twice, Twisted Mine - Episode 38

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I don't think he noticed he had brought us to his house.

He goes through the front door for the first time and he pulls me in with him.

Thunder rumbles over head and I stand where he has left me even as he throws the briefcase on the couch and begins to unbutton his sleeve. 

He moves away into the bedroom and I'm still standing there even after a while. 

After what seems like hours and the rain has begun to drizzle lightly he enters the sitting room. 

He stops at the sight of me. 

"Adélie? You are still here?" He asks surprised and I just nod. 

"Why didn't you tell me? I'm sorry I wasn't thinking" He says, pulling me to sit on the couch and I do. 

"Are you okay?" I ask and he nods. 

"I'm fine, I'm used to fighting with my dad...." he says pausing before continuing."....I'm sorry you had to go throw that, I didn't think it would get that way" 

I nod. 

"It seemed like it wasn't the first time , it's fine I'm not hurt or anything" I say and he nods. 

"The jewelries must mean a lot to you" I say to him, he nods. 

"Yeah, they do, my mother.. Mother got it from her mother who got it from her mother, it's old and priceless, if you haven't noticed I'm only part African, my mother is native American, she fell in love with the black man and she got disowned, the only thing she had on her was the jewelries "He says and I nod, I don't ask more but he goes on. 

"My father brought her to Africa after they spent 5 years in Brazil, I was 4 at the time, when we got here he started having an affair and started beating on my mother, I was old enough to understand what was going on but young to actually do anything about it

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. "He says and I could hear the heartbreak in his voice, I didn't reach out, it's not my burden to bear with him. 

When I turned 7 and big enough for him to start beating on, he took the chance , mama wouldn't have it, she left him and took me back with her to America, we went back, she begged her mother and father and they forgave, seeing as she had me and that did not want to loose their grandchild too. "

"Fast forward 19 years, my mother died of breast cancer, she left all of her inheritance and I got everything, father must have heard and he reached out to me, dangling the jewelries in front of me, knowing that I would want them, they were all mother had when she was leaving for Africa, I left my chain of restaurants in America and came back to Africa for my jewelries, so you must understand how I feel when they are not with me" He says finally and I'm sure there's a message in there somewhere but I can't relate. 

I don't feel sympathy, I don't empathize, I have my own pain going on for me, things I still have to sort through, so I don't appreciate being used in that way. 

I tell him this. 

"Vance, I totally understand what you mean and how you must feel, I understand how it feels to loose a loved one, I do, but Vance, I don't appreciate being tossed in what ever power feud you have going on with your father" 

I say and he frowns, mostly in surprise. 

"I'm sure I'm the most naive human baing you've ever met, I'm sure I seem like a 5 year old child, you are correct, that's because I am, I haven't been out of the house since I lost my sister, I have no idea what life is about, I have no social skills, I have no people skills, I have nothing but a degree in business and lots of money that I'm sure I will never use in my life. 

But the one thing I have is myself and my parents and the only thing they both have is me, I do not want to make them childless because I was too trusting and I followed a man to his house where there was likely more than a fight going on"


"I must seem like I'm exaggerating or something but you must understand that I don't like it when thougts are planted in my head and they are shoved back out. 

You don't get to act like we are lovers, and yes, I looked up the meaning, you don't get to act like I'm your special girl when in essence all you want from me is my puppy like trust "

" Adélie please... "

" I prefer being called adee, thank you for teaching me how to make proper stew, how to at least speak in public and stuff but please, it's no need for you to act like a mother fucker.. Yes, I looked up the meaning while we were getting my clothes, thanks for them by the way, I will be going home now "

" Adélie... Adee.. let... Let me drop you off"

"No thank you, I will get a taxi, is it called taxi or cab? I can't seem to get it right" I say and his face breaks into a smile. 

"Don't smile, I'm mad at you" I say to him and he nod. 

"Let me get you a taxi, yeah?" He asks and I nod. 

He pulls me to standing and gets me one of his jacket before leading me out side. 

We wait on the side walk for a taxi., the rain only just a fog now. 

"I'm sorry you felt used tonight" He says and I nod. 

"But I'm proud of you" 

"You are?" 

"Uh Hu, you stood up for yourself to me, I like that you were not scared" 

I nod, suddenly getting a case of those flying dragons in my stomach. 

"You are a good girl adee, you've made me really proud" 

"Really?" I ask. 

"Really, but now you have to stop looking up those bad words from the internet okay?" 


"If you do I will teach you how to ride a car" 

"You will?" I ask in awe. 

"Yes adee, you more than deserve, Are we on?" He asks and I nod. 

"Good girl, you know what to do right?" He asks and I nod. 

"Don't call you, you will call me" 

"Yes, now get in the cab, okay?" 

He says and I see a taxi had pulled up, I didn't even notice. 

"You will call me early?" I ask. 

"Yes Adélie" I get in the taxi and he bends to talk to the taxi driver. 

"Please take her home straight and wait for her to get in before pulling away" 

"Yes sir" 

He turns to me. 



"There is no difference between a cab and a taxi okay?" 


"Get some rest okay?" 


"Don't watch a movie okay?" 


He pauses for a while and the door to the taxi opens, he slides in. 

"I'm going to make sure you get home safe" 

"Okay" I say in a small voice as he tells the taxi man to pull away. 

He leans his head back and grabs my hand. 

I look at him. 

"To keep you warm, you are shivering" he says and I nod. 

Why do I suddenly feel like cuddling up to him in the dark of the cab? 



Thanks for reading, please, please please, comment, noticed there wasn't any comments on the previous updates. 

I hope you tell me how you feel. 

Thanks for reading. Again. 

Updates on wattpad, I hope you enjoy. 

. .

Read " Beautiful Mess " by the same author ( Bebe Ernest )

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