The Dancing Bride And Her Spirit Warrior - Episode 54

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‘’So elders we are gathered here today because our son, Koni saw a beautiful ‘flower’ in your compound and because Koni loves beautiful things. He has come to collect it, with your permission of course,’’ Chief Dakarai opened the meeting after they had seated down.

It had taken a whopping thirty minutes for the dancing and singing to stop. The welcoming procession led by Neza had shown them the entrance where they had been waited for the bride’s family . Uncle Liyai welcomed them and greetings followed.

Koni’s entourage included of him, his father, two of his uncles and Manute. He had come with his whole team but only a few people were allowed inside the negotiation room. His father, him, his two uncles, Manute and Sheba’s mother were the ones who were welcomed inside for the negotiations. His other relatives remained out and joined the festivities. The rest of his team members remained out to watch out for any disturbance. Though Koni could see Sudi chatting up a group of ladies who hang on his every word and laughed at whatever cock and bull he was feeding them.

But since today was his special day, he was not going to be bothered by Sudi’s antics.

Vuyanzi and her family had gone all out to prepare for the celebrations. Several colorful tents had been set up and decorations tastefully set

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. A theme of white and gold to symbolize purity and wealth or something like that Manute had told him. Koni didn’t really care about the celebrations. If it were up to him they would have jumped to the wedding and forget all these side shows but everyone insisted all these was necessary. Even his father was anxiously waiting for the wedding.

His father never anticipated for anything in life.

‘’Straighten your coat Koni, we are here at our in laws and dowry negotiations are not a joke. Brides’ families are lethal at these talks. We have to show them that your bride is joining a good family that will take care of her,’’ Chief Dakarai whispered at his son as he smiled at one of Vuyanzi’s aunt who was looking at the cunningly. As if already calculating the amount of money they were going to get from him.

Koni only smirked back at the man and made his face expressionless. He wished to show off his teeth but he held back, he didn’t want to scare his in-laws.

‘’Elders we really appreciate your presence but if we may ask, which flower did you see? For this homestead is blessed with several beautiful flowers,’’ Uncle Liyai asked in an amused tone causing a rumble of laughter to engulf the whole room.

Koni only smiled at the elders though inside he felt like stopping all this charade. Why wouldn’t they just jump to the marriage already?

‘’The flower I saw is Vuyanzi Amani , I am here to officially ask for her hand in marriage,’’ Koni clearly declared. He decided to go on with the flow no need to bust the old men’s bubble. Vuyanzi’s uncles bundled their head together as if in serious discussion and Koni groaned in frustration. What was taking so long? He wanted to see his bride!

The only thing that kept him calm was knowing that Vuyanzi was near and she was anxious to meet him too. If the elders kept on playing games, he would break down the room where she was and carry her out by force, Koni mused.

‘’Okay, my brothers and I have agreed to let Vuyanzi come out and accept your proposal or deny it,’’ Uncle Liyai said finally, ‘’Why don’t her shosho bring her out?’’

Lishevi stood up, ‘’I will fetch her,’’ she smiled at Koni and left the room.

The following minutes Koni waited with abated breath, he couldn’t wait to see Vuyanzi. Manute secretly nudged him in the head relax brother, you look so tense.

You would be tense if you were in my position.

‘’Here comes the bride,’’ Lishevi ululated and walked in followed by Vuyanzi who instantly searched for him in the crowd. Once their eyes met, everything melted away.

The appreciation remarks from the people inside the room. The loud music from outside and Manute’s voice inside his head. All Koni could see and hear was Vuyanzi.

Her smile radiated the whole room. She was dressed in white and gold, beautiful and flawless before his eyes. Koni could not believe his eyes, Vuyanzi had always been beautiful but now something was different, she was even more stunning. Maybe it was because he knew that finally they would be together and nothing would tear them apart. Not the amanani or rogue warriors. He couldn’t wait for them to start their life together.

‘’…now Vuyanzi do you agree to Mr. Jasiri’s proposal. He has come out and declared his intentions,’’ Uncle Liyai was saying and Koni finally managed to stop gawking at Vuyanzi.

‘’Yes,’’ Vuyanzi answered, silently, timidly.

‘’Speak up Nyanya let everyone hear,’’ shosho teased and everyone broke into laughter.

‘’Yes, I agree to Koni’s proposal,’’ Vuyanzi answered more confidently this time.

The ladies broke into ululations again and Vuyanzi was escorted to sit beside her grandmother and uncles.

‘’Now that we have that done with, the next step would be dowry negotiations. But since we received three Lorries full of cattle, i think we have got that out of the way, what do you think brothers?’’ Uncle Liyai turned to Vuyanzi’s uncles.

‘’Let us not be hasty Liyai and hear what our in-laws have to say, hmm’’ Uncle Lusaka prompted Koni’s people to speak. ‘’What do you say our in-laws?’’

Chief Dakarai cleared his voice and greeted the congregation again, ‘’we have travelled from far elders and we are honored to be here in Lishevi’s home and ask for Vuyanzi’s hand in marriage. She will be like a daughter to us and is most welcomed to my family. Don’t think of this as losing your daughter but more of gaining a son,’’ this was met by a round of applause and more ululation.

Vuyanzi now understood why Koni’s father was the head of the lion clan. The man could command attention.

‘’To show our utmost appreciation, we would love to offer a sum of,’’ he mentioned a sum of money that had everyone in the room gape at him,’’ as her dowry on top of the cattle you received,’’ Chief Dakarai concluded and the room reversed back to pin drop silence.

‘’Chief,’ Uncle Liyai was the first to recover, ‘’with all due respect, the amount of money you are offering is…um…’’

‘’Not enough? We can add more.’’ Chief Dakarai concluded for Uncle Liyai.

‘’No. No. The money is more than enough. We don’t need more Chief um…thank you for the general offer,’’ Uncle Liyai quickly adjusted the situation.

Koni and his people let out a sigh of relief.

‘’But we would like you to take care of Vuyanzi. Her life has not been an easy one. She lost her parents at a very young age and was raised by her grandmother. She might be a bit mischievous at times but she is an all-round good girl. Treat her like one of your own and she will blossom. I hope this union will bring the two families together than apart. Vuyanzi,’’ Uncle Liyai turned on her, ‘’respect your husband and his family. Love him and support him like a good wife and he will be able to protect and provide for you like a good husband. We pray that you may have a long life and be able to see your children’s children. May the almighty God bless your union,’’

More claps, applauses, ululations and whistles rented the air.

Vuyanzi wiped her eyes with the handkerchief her aunt had sneaked into her hands. Uncle Liyai’s speech moved her. She looked at Koni and saw him smiling at her and she smiled back. This day was turning out perfect.

‘’Now that we have that out of the way, Vuyanzi and Koni step forward,’’ the local chief of Nyati village called them up to sign a marriage certificate that will finalize everything.

Vuyanzi held her grandmother’s hand and stood up and they walked towards uncle Liyai. Koni was led by Chief Dakarai Jasiri and Manute by his side to sign as witnesses.

‘’You will sign here and here, as the new Mr. and Mrs.

Read " Jabali's Redemption " by the same author ( Razia Iminza )

. Jasiri,’’ More applause and ululations.

The sign didn’t take long and everything was done.

Vuyanzi could not believe it. She was officially Mrs. Koni Jasiri.

‘’Now you will sit here as the newlyweds,’’ Koni and Vuyanzi were led to sit in a decorated love sit for their first photo-shoot with their family members.

Koni linked their hands together and kept them locked as they smiled at the eager cameraman. Vuyanzi felt giddy, she smiled at Koni as the cameraman clicked the photos expertly. Shortly they were joined by their immediate family before the whole extended family.

For someone who had known little luxury in life Vuyanzi couldn’t believe the joy she was feeling now. Her whole family around her plus the man she had vowed to love for life.

Koni had come into her life like a bright sun after a rainy day. She had been able to meet her extended family and found about her parents and be able to honor their tragic death, a tear slipped from her eyes wishing they would be here right now to witness her wedding.

Koni squeezed her hand in support and kissed the top of her head in comfort, ‘’it’s a beautiful day Vuyanzi, don’t be so sad. Your parents are very proud of you, I don’t doubt that,’’

‘’I know,’’ Vuyanzi nodded her head and smiling through the tears.

Amid her family and friends, Vuyanzi believed she had finally found happiness and in Koni’s arms she had finally found eternal peace.


So guys, the wedding is on.

As you can guess the story is almost over. I have almost a chapter to go before the end.

So let us finish this together.


Much love.

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