Make You Mine(Redemption 2) - Episode 14

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 Saturday rolls over so quickly. And trust me I'm not complaining. For the past few days, I've not even been able to catch Phillip in the house. I mean we live together but ever since the movie date, I'd either woken up in the morning to an empty house and I work pretty late into the night. Well I used to . I quit last night. Okay let's be truthful, I knew slapping one of the customers will get my ass fired so I just walked out without any thoughts of going back there. Working in a bar is so not my thing. The guys get touchy feely and I get raving mad. I need a job though. I won't wait for my father to cut me off before I start looking for a job.
  The sound of something slamming together makes me jump slightly.
"What's that?!" I stand up from my bed and grab the first thing my hand touches on my bedside table.
"A lotion? Really?" I ask myself like some demented fellow. So when I have to defend myself, all I can lay my hand on is lotion? I don't even want to hurt my expensive lotion. I drop the lotion and scan my options. Hand creams, deodorant, moisturizer, primer, make up. Absolutely nothing to save me. The sound comes up again and I stiffen. I hear a manly groan and while fear grips me at first, I recognize the sound.
"Phillip?" I let myself out of my room and listen for the sound again

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. The slamming sound doesn't come up again but I can still hear him groan from time to time. Does he have a woman in there?! I clamp my hand over my mouth to keep me from alerting him. I have to see this.
  I make as less noise that I can as I make my way to his door. I press my ear against the door and try to listen. There's that groaning again and I feel myself getting hot. Who's in there with him? Gosh I don't want to know but the little creep that I am, I press my ear harder into the door. Maybe I will hear the woman's voice as well. I hear nothing. Not even Phillip's groaning.
"Why ha__christ!" The door flies open suddenly and I fall into the room on my hands and knees. Don't look up! Don't look up! My stubborn head tilts up from the ground and I catch the smug look on Phillip's face. Relunctantly, I let my eyes stray to his bed to see if the woman is prettier than me. Don't ask me why that is important to me right now.
"What are you looking for?" Phillip's voice pulls me from staring at the empty bed.
"What were you__oh." I clamp my mouth shut when I see the exercise machines propped in the corner of the room. I let my eyes stroll back to his form. He's sweaty and mind I say, shirtless. A small towel hanging loosely over his head.
"Are you going to get off the floor or keep staring at me like you want to lick me? But I should say, I do like you kneeling before me." What?! I fly off my perch on the floor and try to regain what little composure I can muster at this moment.
"You're a pig." I jab my index finger into his chest. Which turns out to be a very bad idea. He's so hard. His abs aren't so defined like a body builder but God,does he look good. He's lean but muscular. Enough to make me drool.
"Earth to Cheryl!" Phillip snaps his fingers in my face and I snap out of my reverie. My finger is still glued to his chest. I snatch it away like I've been burnt and push past him and out of his suddenly burning room.
"What were you doing by my door Cheryl?" I hear his footfalls behind me and I pick up pace. Why is he following me?!
 I reach the dining table and grab the glass jug to pour myself some water. When I don't find a cup, I put the jug to my lips and chug down a considerable amount. I feel like pouring the water down my front to snap me out of my sudden lust for Phillip's body. Do I miss having a man this much.
"Give me some of that." The jug is snatched out of my hands before I can do anything.
"What the hell, Phillip!" I glare him down as he downs the rest of the jug's content.
"I wasn't done! That's so rude." I huff and he has the guts to laugh at me.
"So is snooping around a guy's room like a creep." He says.
"I wasn't snooping." I mumble but don't stick around to argue it out with him. I take myself to the living room and plop down on the couch. I grab the TV remote right after and turn on the television. Re-runs of my favorite Philippine movie is already underway and I relax into the chair to watch the episodes I missed through the week. Phillip's half naked self walks past me to stand in front of the TV. I throw him a dirty look.
"What do you think you're doing?" I try to remain calm and not scream his head off.
"Do you see the state of this house?" He asks and it's just so out of the blue, I have to blink a few times to catch up.
"What's wrong with its state?" I narrow my eyes at him.
"Get out of there so I can have me some movie time." I say and instead of him to do as I tell him, he shakes his head at me and pulls a black material out from behind him. It takes a few moments for me to realize that what he's currently waving at me is my bra!
"Give me that!" I lunge at him and he pulls the material up over his head.
"What's your problem?! That's my bra!" I yell at him.
"I nearly tripped over them! Why keep something like this lying around anyhow?!"
"None of your business. Give it to me." I jump on my feet and grab the bra from him.
"You're wrong. It's my business. I live here with you and I'll like to live like a normal human." He fires at me and I scoff.
"What have you been living like for the past few days?" I ask him.
"A pig. And I'm done with that. Hell, the kitchen is the only place you keep clean. Probably how that cockroach creeped into the cake." My eyes widen at him at the last part.
"That was not my fault!" I snap.
"Yeah. But we're cleaning this apartment today. No arguments."
"Suit yourself. Go clean. I need to watch this." I push him out of my view and smile when I can finally get back to my movie. I can see Phillip growling at me from the side but ignore him. He can't make me clean. I need my rest. He must get tired of standing there growling at me because he storms off. I chuckle under my breath and throw my legs up unto the couch.
"The sweet relief of a lazy weekend." I mumble satisfactorily. The lead couple are just about to have the much anticipated kiss I've been pinning for, for most of the past episodes and I'm on the edge of the couch in excitement but then everything goes black.
"What the__" I get off the couch and walk to the window to find that my neighbors still have electricity in their houses.
"What's going on?" I check the television to see that it's not off. I hear the door open and my attention is turned to Phillip who oh so casually walks past me into the kitchen. He's whispering and there's a saunter to his steps. What's his deal? He should put on a shirt for Christ sake, anyways. I push him out of my mind and try the light and fan switch. None of them are walking. Phillip comes back into the living room holding a mop and a broom.
"Oh, the electricity went off." He says too nonchalantly. I narrow my eyes at him.
"You are cleaning your part of the house or no movie for you missy." He smirks and I snot in indignation.
"You are not serious. What did you do?!" I snap at him.
"You're not going to find out till you get cleaning." He comes to my side and pushes a duster into my hands.
"Get dusting." Both of ours eyes clash in a war for who holds the power. I don't back down from him. He can't make me do shit!
"The more time you waste. The less movie you get to catch up on today, missy." He grins. He knows he has the power. For now.
"Don't call me missy. Ever." I get toe to toe with him and bite off. He throws his hands up in surrender but his face says differently. I turn from him and match to the stupid couch as I try to dust it off. I will admit, it's a bit dusty.
"The cobwebs as well." Phillip throws at me from his cleaning of the television and other appliances when I think my task is done with all the chairs in the living room all cleaned up.
"Urgggh!" I groan but know I can't do anything for now. After we finish with the sitting room, Phillip has me washing toilets and moping the bathroom door. I throw up a few times, trying to get him to let me off to rest. He just laugh at me and instructs me to get back to work. Should I be doing this? I'm sure all my shows are over by now. It's been hours. I look up from the floor I'm moping and watch Phillip as his shirtless back arch to clean a spot behind the sink. Gosh, he looks divine! Is this why I'm still doing this? Because watching him clean is doing really nice things to my ovaries? Gosh, my crush has gotten worse. I blame this on Benedicta. She should have kept her brother from me.
 Phillip has me doing all sorts of things all in the name of cleaning up, I feel sore now that the house is looking sparklingly clean.
"I'm completely exhausted." I groan and plop down on the couch.
"You act like you've cleaned an entire city." Phillip says like it's not a big deal, what I've been doing for the past many hours!
"That surely took years off my life. And I broke two of my fingers." I nurse my broken fingers to my chest.
"They are fake." Phillip points out.
"Still expensive." I argue and he rolls his eyes at me like I'm some kid.

Read " To Live For Once (Set Me Free II) " by the same author ( Ameh juliet )

. I pout just like the kid he's picturing me as.
"Alright. Alright. Let's go get something to eat. I'll buy." He tilts his head to watch my reaction.
"Food isn't bribe enough." I tell him but I find myself standing up to change my clothes.
"Ok, I'll take you to get your nails done next weekend." He says and my smile grows.
"You will?! Yay!" I giggle down at my nails.
"It's funny how little things like that excite you." He says just as I make it to the door. I'm about to say something but then I hear the soft knocking at the door. Both our eyes go to the closed door.
"Expecting someone?" Phillip starts to go for the door when I hear my name being called from outside. I freeze.
"Stop!" I whisper yell to the confused Phillip. My father yells my name again from outside as Phillip's eyes pin me down. I'm torn. I can't let my father see him. I'm suppose to have a fiancee to show him today! 

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